[manet] Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-manet-dlep-ether-credit-extension-06
Susan Hares via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org> Mon, 12 August 2024 18:24 UTC
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Subject: [manet] Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-manet-dlep-ether-credit-extension-06
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Reviewer: Susan Hares Review result: Has Issues I am the assigned OPS-DIR reviewer for draft-ietf-manet-dlep-ether-credit-extension-06. The Operational Area Review Team (OPS-DIR) reviews all IETF documents being processed by the IESG for the OPS-AREA in terms of operational issues. Please treat these comments just like any other last call comments. Document: draft-ietf-manet-dlep-ether-credit-extension-06 Reviewer: Susan Hares Result: Ready with issues Review Date: 2024-08-12 Summary: This document refers to draft-ietf-manet-dlep-credit-flow-15.txt and RFC8175. My technical issue with this specification is draft-ietf-manet-dlep-credit-flow-15, and the lack of comments on wildcards in the security section. This document also has editorial nits. Benefit of this draft: Credit window schemes can enable effective data flow processing for 802.1Q. Issue 1: Issue with draft-ietf-manet-dlep-credit-flow-15: draft-ietf-manet-credit-window as a specification of the credit-window scenario. draft-ietf-manet-credit-window is a document declared "DEAD" by the IESG with flaws noted in the TSV-ART and OPS-DIR review. In my gen-art review for draft-ietf-manet-dlep-credit-flow-15, I've noted issues in that document. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/review-ietf-manet-dlep-credit-flow-control-15-genart-lc-hares-2024-08-12/ Since that document is a key reference in this document, those issues impact this document. Issue 2: "wildcard" matching of any PCP or VID needs security/manageability comment Wildcards ease the manageability of matching PCP or VID fields. However, the security section should make some comment about the risks of wildcard matching for these fields. Comments on Editorial NITs: 1. Unclear use of ".e.g.," format in 3 places Place 1: Section 4, paragraph 7. Old text:/ Routers may have limits on the number of queues that they can support and, perhaps, even limits in supported credit window combinations, e.g., if per destination queues can even be supported at all. / Translating the "e.g.," to "For example, if per destination queues can even be supported at all" gives an unclear sentence. Best to rewrite this sentence. Place 2: Section 4, paragraph 7, last sentence Old text:/ In either case, the mismatch of capabilities SHOULD be reported to the user via normal network management mechanisms, e.g., user interface or error logging./ The "e.g.," format is used correctly in the singular form ("a--" or "b--"). However, the "e.g.," format does not create a clear sentence. Two alternative: New text-1:/ In either case, the mismatch of capabilities SHOULD be reported to the user via normal network management mechanisms (e.g. user interface or error logging)./ New text-2:/ In either case, the mismatch of capabilities SHOULD be reported to the user via normal network management mechanisms suchg as user interface or error logging./ Place 3: Section 4: Security considerations, paragraph 1, sentence 2 Old text:/The defined extension exposes vulnerabilities similar to existing DLEP messages, e.g., an injected message resizes a credit window to a value that results in a denial of service./ The "e.g.," format does not provide a clear indication that this vulnerability is one of several potential vulnerabilities.
- [manet] Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-man… Susan Hares via Datatracker
- [manet] Re: Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf… Donald Eastlake
- [manet] Re: Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf… Susan Hares
- [manet] Re: Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf… Donald Eastlake