Re: [mif] I-D Action: draft-baker-6man-multi-homed-host-00.txt
Brian E Carpenter <> Sat, 26 September 2015 19:08 UTC
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To: Liang Geng <>, "'Fred Baker (fred)'" <>
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From: Brian E Carpenter <>
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Subject: Re: [mif] I-D Action: draft-baker-6man-multi-homed-host-00.txt
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On 27/09/2015 04:05, Liang Geng wrote: > Dear Fred, > > Thank you for your email. > > I received your request for comments in MIF mail list and my previous email was a response of that. > > I believe that this draft describes the behavior of a host very similar to the host which behaves as a MPVD-aware node in MIF. I might get this wrong but I suspect that the related MIF RFCs (i.e. RFC 7556) may have covered the same issues. > > Therefore, I think It is very important for us to understand whether and how much of this work is in MIF or 6MAN's scope and how it should fit in to avoid any duplication. Currently without seeing much conflict on how multi-homed host/network behavior is described in both your draft and MIF architecture, I am a bit worried that there might be some extent of overlaps. Hence, I would also like to see more comments both from your side and mif folks. Put simply, this draft is intended to mitigate the underlying problem whether or not the host is using MPVD mechanisms, so it belongs in 6man. If you can identify any way in which it damages MPVD mechanisms, that would be good input. Brian > Best wishes, > Liang >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Fred Baker (fred) [] >> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 7:22 PM >> To: Liang Geng >> Cc:; Brian E Carpenter >> Subject: Re: [mif] I-D Action: draft-baker-6man-multi-homed-host-00.txt >> >> Thanks. I'm not just sure why you copied me and not my co-author, but >> whatever. Yes, I think they are related problems. I'm glad you see no conflict; if >> you see an issue, please let us know. >> >>> On Sep 20, 2015, at 9:14 AM, Liang Geng <> wrote: >>> >>> Hi Fred, >>> >>> I have just read through this draft (the most recent 03 version). >>> >>> The draft is very pleasant to read and I believe it focuses on the >>> same multi-homed issue MIF WG is working on. It very well described >>> how IPV6 hosts/network are expected to behave in multi-homed scenario. >>> >>> In mif, Provisioning Domain (PvD) is introduced to associate and >>> identify network configurations for a particular interface. I think it >>> is a good idea to see if there is any conflict between the mechanism >>> in PvD solution and the host/network behavior described in your draft. >>> However, I don't see obvious ones at present. >>> >>> Best wishes, >>> Liang >>> >>>> -----邮件原件----- >>>> 发件人: mif [] 代表 Fred Baker (fred) >>>> 发送时间: 2015年8月10日 22:04 >>>> 收件人: >>>> 主题: [mif] Fwd: I-D Action: draft-baker-6man-multi-homed-host-00.txt >>>> >>>> This is actually being discussed in 6man, as the chairs requested it >>> there, but >>>> MIF might have comments to pass along. >>>> >>>>> Begin forwarded message: >>>>> >>>>> From: <> >>>>> Subject: I-D Action: draft-baker-6man-multi-homed-host-00.txt >>>>> Date: August 7, 2015 at 7:40:43 AM PDT >>>>> To: <> >>>>> Reply-To: <> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts >>>> directories. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Title : Host routing in a multi-prefix network >>>>> Authors : Fred Baker >>>>> Brian Carpenter >>>>> Filename : draft-baker-6man-multi-homed-host-00.txt >>>>> Pages : 6 >>>>> Date : 2015-08-07 >>>>> >>>>> Abstract: >>>>> This note describes expected host behavior in a network that has >>>>> more than one prefix, each allocated by an upstream network that >>>>> implements BCP 38 filtering. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> There's also a htmlized version available at: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of >>>>> submission until the htmlized version and diff are available at >>> >>>>> >>>>> Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>> I-D-Announce mailing list >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Internet-Draft directories: or >>>>> >>> >>> > > >
- [mif] Fwd: I-D Action: draft-baker-6man-multi-hom… Fred Baker (fred)
- [mif] 答复: Fwd: I-D Action: draft-baker-6man-multi… Liang Geng
- Re: [mif] I-D Action: draft-baker-6man-multi-home… Fred Baker (fred)
- Re: [mif] I-D Action: draft-baker-6man-multi-home… Liang Geng
- Re: [mif] I-D Action: draft-baker-6man-multi-home… Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [mif] I-D Action: draft-baker-6man-multi-home… Liang Geng