[mif] Possible requirements for DRLO that Route-Option does not satisfy
Alexandru Petrescu <alexandru.petrescu@cea.fr> Fri, 28 October 2011 14:03 UTC
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Subject: [mif] Possible requirements for DRLO that Route-Option does not satisfy
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Possible requirements for DRLO that Route-Option does not satisfy: In memory- and bandwidth-constrained environments there are strong requirements to: - use only one software implementation (DHCP or ND but not both); or, when needing to solve the MAC address, route-option relies on ND. - avoid unnecessary chatter (avoid NS-NA); route-option requires the use of NS-NA in addition to DHCP, for a default route to solve its MAC address. - send as little control data as possible; route-option communicates more data than necessary (many unneeded separation fields) - communicate _only_ the default route and no other route; route-option sends too much data which necessary only in the generic route case, unnecessary for the default route (e.g. metrics). Yours, Alex
- [mif] Possible requirements for DRLO that Route-O… Alexandru Petrescu