[mif] Yang based host IP subsystem configuration for dynamic QoS management and service chaining purpose

Maxim Klyus <klyus@NetCracker.com> Wed, 14 October 2015 14:00 UTC

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Subject: [mif] Yang based host IP subsystem configuration for dynamic QoS management and service chaining purpose
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Dear Netmod, Homenet and MIF.

We are looking for a proper place to discuss attached materials within IETF.
So I would like to say sorry we have to send this letter across several IETF WGs simultaneously.

The latest trends show that IP services are getting decoupled from the traditional Service Provider (SP) networks. Subscriber can get a lot of services from the 3rd party content providers typically delivered over public networks, P2P services are also becoming more and more popular and the main problem how to achieve service chaining and delivery with proper QoS.
We would like to propose to use Yang for exchange between Subscriber's Device and Service Provider's. The Yang-modeled data is transferred over NetConf protocol from end-user device activation/management software towards a service agent software residing in Subscriber's Device. This approach allows Service Provider to identify subscriber uniquely and his QoS requirements within the network with multiple IP interfaces on Subscriber's Devices. Multiple IP interfaces will be used for service distinction and delivery within SP network. Host applications will be divided by application groups and bounded to a specific IP interface.

Short solution description:

1) When connecting to the network, Subscriber's Device gets an IP address through DHCP and IP of SP's headend device management server through a DHCP option. Alternative option is manual configuration of these IP settings; Service Agent Software installed on Subscriber's Device makes AAA request to Service Provider's configuration management headend software. Based on request SP can uniquely identify subscriber and subscriber's QoS requirements.  In case Device was authorized successfully, it gets a new IP interface (Tunnel or Loopback) and additional configuration parameters (e.g., routing, QoS). SP network also will be reconfigured dynamically to meet appropriate service delivery KPIs , however static SP environment configuration also possible with fixed QoS and bandwidth for each interface based on predefined IP pool.

2) Different application groups can originate service requests from different Host IP addresses. Service will be delivered to specific IP addresses with appropriate additional handling within SP network and quality of service. Subscriber's device can periodically send application-group QoS modification requests to allocate more/less priority or/and bandwidth for existing application groups within SP network.

Benefits and Applicability:

-              SP don't need to know anything about external services located outside their network (Internet services, 3rd party content providers). Service identification will be based on local Service Provider IP addresses.

-              QoS configuration will be delivered dynamically based on subscriber needs.

-              SP don't need to make any dramatic updates for existing environment to identify services, because traffic identification and handling will be based on IP stack only.

P.S. Authors are looking forward to developing this approach further. The authors have already tested the approach using manual settings
Potential next steps include:
- developing a Host Agent prototype;
- developing a Headend's NETCONF/YANG adapter;
- collaboration with a carrier to arrange a lab trial;
- contributing the code to the open source community.

If you have any kind of questions please feel free to contact us directly Klyus@netcracker.com<mailto:Klyus@netcracker.com>, petrov@netcracker.com<mailto:petrov@netcracker.com>

Best Regards,
Maxim Klyus

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