[mif] clarification on HE-MIF algorithm
GangChen <phdgang@gmail.com> Mon, 23 November 2015 09:18 UTC
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From: GangChen <phdgang@gmail.com>
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Cc: Hui Deng <denghui02@hotmail.com>, Margaret Cullen <mrcullen42@gmail.com>
Subject: [mif] clarification on HE-MIF algorithm
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wg, I would like to follow the meeting minutes to clarify a question from the discussion. " DT - Clarifying question - base happy happy eyeballs spec has two algos, none of them mandatory no mandatory algorithm Does this specify a mandatory algo? " The HE-MIF doesn't specify mandatory algorithm. Basically, HE-MIF is doing a similar way with RFC6555. The draft describes step-wise requirements for any candidate algorithm. BRs Gang 2015-11-22 8:40 GMT+08:00, Hui Deng <denghui02@hotmail.com>: > Hello all > > Appreciate Ian Farrer and Ted Lemon kindly help for minutes > Also Mikael Abrahamsson for Jabber > > https://www.ietf.org/proceedings/94/minutes/minutes-94-mif > > Please feel free to let chairs know whether you have some revision > > thanks a lot > > DENG Hui >
- [mif] clarification on HE-MIF algorithm GangChen
- Re: [mif] clarification on HE-MIF algorithm Dave Thaler
- Re: [mif] clarification on HE-MIF algorithm GangChen
- Re: [mif] clarification on HE-MIF algorithm Hui Deng