[Mimi] Re: Abuse reporting requirements discussed during the interim
Rohan Mahy <rohan.mahy@gmail.com> Sun, 25 August 2024 18:52 UTC
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From: Rohan Mahy <rohan.mahy@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 11:51:59 -0700
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To: Deirdre Connolly <durumcrustulum@gmail.com>
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Subject: [Mimi] Re: Abuse reporting requirements discussed during the interim
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Well, we really want to not ignore *you*, but we will skip over this particular *topic* ("dumb Hub" reporting and policy). Looking forward to your comments about the requirements once you've had a chance to digest them. Thanks, -rohan On Sun, Aug 25, 2024 at 11:41 AM Deirdre Connolly <durumcrustulum@gmail.com> wrote: > OK great, ignore me then! > > On Sun, Aug 25, 2024, 2:40 PM Rohan Mahy <rohan.mahy@gmail.com> wrote: > >> Hi Dierdre, >> Yes, we decided a while ago that in MIMI, messaging providers can have a >> role in policy enforcement, and that was pretty necessary to meet the >> requirements / reproduce the functionality in most messaging apps (see the >> penultimate sentence "facilitate interoperability given the feature set of >> modern messaging applications"). Note that three of the early implementers >> of MLS: Webex, Wickr, and Wire all independently came to this conclusion as >> well. >> >> While you can build a system that uses MLS and kicks almost all the >> decisions and power to moderators and admins who are members of a group, >> and uses some of the insights of MIMI (for example MIMI content and >> AppSync), it won't be MIMI if it prohibits the hub from having this role. >> You could build a client that works in both of these worlds, but that would >> be out of scope for MIMI. >> >> Hope that helps. >> Thanks, >> -rohan >> >> On Sun, Aug 25, 2024 at 11:17 AM Deirdre Connolly < >> durumcrustulum@gmail.com> wrote: >> >>> Thanks for the writeup! A question: >>> >>> - Receiver of a message can report it as allegedly abusive to the Hub >>>> provider. >>>> - Why the hub? >>>> - Because it knows the policy of the room >>>> >>> >>> Is this always the case? I could envision an MLS deployment with other >>> useful Mimi 'stuff' that follows a Signal model of keeping per-room >>> policies, membership, and metadata private from the broader service, and >>> offloads enforcement it to the inner workings of the private room itself. >>> In that case, reporting and moderation would be to 'the room' (or >>> owners/admins in the private room) to action. I could see a further >>> escalation up the chain from within the private room to The Service level, >>> which then follows the reporting to the Hub as described here. >>> >>> If that sort of scenario is out of scope or not really a thing because >>> of other Mimi stuff, sorry 😬 >>> >>> On Sun, Aug 25, 2024 at 1:11 PM Rohan Mahy <rohan.mahy@gmail.com> wrote: >>> >>>> Hi, >>>> We had a healthy discussion of the Abuse reporting and franking PR#83 >>>> <https://github.com/ietf-wg-mimi/mimi-protocol/pull/83> at the interim >>>> on Wednesday. We had a good deal of discussion about the requirements. I >>>> have attempted to capture the requirements so far in this list. >>>> >>>> # MIMI Abuse reporting >>>> ## Basic premise/scope of the mechanism >>>> - Receiver of a message can report it as allegedly abusive to the Hub >>>> provider. >>>> - Why the hub? >>>> - Because it knows the policy of the room >>>> - Because all messages go through the hub (see below) >>>> - Sends the plaintext of the allegedly abusive message(s) >>>> >>>> This mechanism is about receivers reporting alleged abuse to the Hub >>>> and the changes to submitting a message necessary for that to happen >>>> safely. It does not address communication between a Hub and a sender's >>>> provider or reporter's provider, or future remedies.† >>>> >>>> ## Requirements >>>> ### Message confidentiality >>>> - Hub can’t read the content of messages unless they are reported >>>> - Other providers can never read the content of messages using this >>>> mechanism† >>>> ### Sender attribution integrity >>>> - Receiver can’t attribute a bogus abusive message to a sender >>>> - Sender can’t deny a message they sent >>>> ### Sender privacy >>>> - Hub servers need to know the sender of a message (already, in order >>>> to enforce policies related to which participants can send messages), and >>>> we can rely on this for this mechanism. >>>> - Follower servers do not learn the sender of any message using this >>>> mechanism†. >>>> ### Original ciphertext of alleged abusive not needed at moment report >>>> is generated >>>> - Hubs don’t need to store ciphertext to verify they received a >>>> particular message >>>> - Receiving client does not need to store ciphertext indefinitely to >>>> report a message >>>> - Desirable that after backing up and restoring history (ex: I upgrade >>>> my phone), the new client can still report an abusive message >>>> ### Deployable >>>> - Not especially heavy to implement for client or server. >>>> - Adding extra roundtrips before sending a message would be >>>> especially painful for clients. >>>> ### Later work >>>> - †: There may be additional requirements (Hub reporting its findings >>>> to sender’s provider) that can be implemented as additional endpoints that >>>> do not have any client implementation implications. >>>> - There are likely to be substantial SLAs between pairs of >>>> providers which govern how >>>> - This also does not discuss Remedies that the Hub (or other providers, >>>> if communicated with them) might take, such as revoking voice, kicking, >>>> banning, etc. >>>> >>>> ## Issue >>>> A Receiver sending an abuse-report directly to the Hub (not through >>>> their local provider) sort of violates the principle that we are not >>>> defining client to server protocol. If a report goes through the receiver’s >>>> local server, this leaks both the sender’s identity and the message content >>>> to the receiver’s local server, unless we further encrypt the report for >>>> the Hub (ex: using the HPKE external_receiver public key of the hub). >>>> >>>> Is it acceptable to send reports directly to the Hub (bypassing the >>>> local provider), or is it better to add HKE encryption of the report)? >>>> >>>> Thanks, >>>> -rohan >>>> -- >>>> Mimi mailing list -- mimi@ietf.org >>>> To unsubscribe send an email to mimi-leave@ietf.org >>>> >>>
- [Mimi] Abuse reporting requirements discussed dur… Rohan Mahy
- [Mimi] Re: Abuse reporting requirements discussed… Deirdre Connolly
- [Mimi] Re: Abuse reporting requirements discussed… Rohan Mahy
- [Mimi] Re: Abuse reporting requirements discussed… Deirdre Connolly
- [Mimi] Re: Abuse reporting requirements discussed… Rohan Mahy
- [Mimi] Re: Abuse reporting requirements discussed… Travis Ralston