[Mimi] MIMI interims post IETF 121
Tim Geoghegan <timgeog+ietf@gmail.com> Thu, 07 November 2024 14:54 UTC
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From: Tim Geoghegan <timgeog+ietf@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 09:54:32 -0500
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Subject: [Mimi] MIMI interims post IETF 121
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Hello MIMI, Thus far, we've been holding interim meetings every two weeks in between IETF plenaries ([1]). This has allowed the WG to make brisk progress on a variety of documents. Earlier today, we discussed whether we should continue doing this between now and IETF 122 and the informal consensus in the room was yes. We'll keep the existing time, which is *9 AM Pacific / 12 PM Eastern / 5 PM UTC, every other Wednesday*. To give ourselves a MIMI break, we'll start on *Wednesday, December 4*. If the chairs don't hear substantial objections to this proposal, we'll go ahead and schedule those interims on *November 14*. Thanks, Tim [1]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/mimi/meetings/ p.s.: I'll repost some tips from last time around on getting WG meetings on the calendar of your choice: It was pointed out to me off-list that it can be easy to miss MIMI interims > because they don't appear on one's calendar. The Datatracker has got your > back, but it takes a little bit of coaxing. If you navigate to > https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/upcoming.ics?show=mimi, you'll get a > listing of upcoming MIMI events. More to the point, there's a "Subscribe > with webcal" button, which goes to webcal:// > datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/upcoming.ics?show=mimi, and that URL can be > imported into your calendaring client of choice (probably, I haven't done a > comprehensive study of calendaring clients). Then your phone will start > bothering you about MIMI meetings. > If you have thoughts on improving this Datatracker feature, feel free to > chime in on a relevant issue ( > https://github.com/ietf-tools/datatracker/issues/7524) or file an > enhancement request of your own. >
- [Mimi] MIMI interims post IETF 121 Tim Geoghegan
- [Mimi] Re: MIMI interims post IETF 121 Tim Geoghegan