[MLS] Message Order
"Andrikopoulos Konstantinos" <kandriko@student.ethz.ch> Thu, 12 December 2019 20:01 UTC
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From: Andrikopoulos Konstantinos <kandriko@student.ethz.ch>
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Hello, I am a computer science master's student, focusing on cryptography and security. As a part of a small research project, supervised by Kenneth Paterson, I am looking into the MLS protocol. In particular, we have been paying attention the message reordering problems that are mentioned in the current draft of the protocol. The purpose I am writing this email is that, before we continue further with the project, we would like to see if you have already decided on the direction that you would like the solution to follow. Would you be able to point us to any texts that you may have compiled or past discussions on the subject? Thank you, Konstantinos
- [MLS] Message Order Andrikopoulos Konstantinos
- Re: [MLS] Message Order Richard Barnes