[MLS] confirming state recovery way forward
Sean Turner <sean@sn3rd.com> Thu, 06 February 2020 16:08 UTC
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Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2020 17:08:06 +0100
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Subject: [MLS] confirming state recovery way forward
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Hi! tl;dr: confirming new individual draft that describes state recovery (i.e., the need for ACKs/NACKs). During the F2F Interim in January, the WG discussed how to address state recovery. One reason you might want ACKs/NACKS is if you sent a Commit and then some data, and the Commit is lost. In this case, your data didn’t get sent and the data needs to be resent. There are obvious implications because messages shouldn’t just be re-sent to the group after many months. After a lengthy discussion about this and other synchronization issues, the consensus at the interim was that an individual draft is needed to describe state recovery-related issues. After this draft is published, the WG can review it and decide whether it should be accepted as a workable starting point and potential WG item or be merged into an existing draft. The chairs need to confirm the interim’s consensus on list, so please let the WG know by 2359 UTC 20 February whether you disagree with the way forward and why. FYI: Jon and Emad volunteered to write this draft. Cheers, Nick and Sean
- [MLS] confirming state recovery way forward Sean Turner
- Re: [MLS] confirming state recovery way forward Katriel Cohn-Gordon
- Re: [MLS] confirming state recovery way forward Benjamin Beurdouche
- Re: [MLS] confirming state recovery way forward Raphael Robert
- Re: [MLS] confirming state recovery way forward Sean Turner