[mmox] explanations
Catherine Pfeffer <cathypfeffer@gmail.com> Tue, 24 February 2009 19:24 UTC
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Infinity wrote: > i'm also a bit confused... what's the difference between > > <value type="integer" size="128">99992123123123</value> > > and > > <integer size="128"> 99992123123123</integer> > > ??? Let's restart from the beginning. We were speaking about maps. Taking current LLSD proposal, an example of map would be: <map> <key>something-big</key> <integer>99992123123123</integer> <key>something-smaller</key> <integer>42</integer> </map> This kind of constructs is unusual in the XML world, because it highly depends on the order: key, integer, key, integer. To find the integer associated with a key, you need to move in the following-siblings axis in XPath terminology. I suggested the following construct to avoid this problem: <map> <entry> <key>something-big</key> <integer>99992123123123</integer> </entry> <entry> <key>something-smaller</key> <integer>42</integer> </entry> </map> but that's even more bloated. So Jon came with something equivalent to: <map> <entry key="something-big" type="integer">99992123123123</entry> <entry key"something-smaller">42</entry> </map> which is smaller. Now this construct, valid for map entries, could be generalized for <value>s outside of the maps: <value key="something-big" type="integer">99992123123123</value> Whether this is a good idea or not can be discussed and that was the object of my previous mail. -- Cathy
- [mmox] explanations Catherine Pfeffer