[mmox] xxSD XML serialization
Catherine Pfeffer <cathypfeffer@gmail.com> Tue, 24 February 2009 15:10 UTC
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Subject: [mmox] xxSD XML serialization
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Zero wrote: > Jon Watte wrote: > > <map> > > <value type="boolean" key="success>true</value> > > <value type="string" > > key="something_i_like_to_eat_on_sundays">bananas</value> > > </map> > > This format is notably more difficult for schemas (from XMLSchema to > RelaxNG) to support, since value now has a key attribute that is only > valid if it is tested in a map element. Yes. Jon should have named it "entry" and not "value", so it would have been clear that it can appear only in a map. Moving the data type to a "type" attribute could be generalized outside of a map for all values. That's a separate problem that raises its own concerns, and also has advantages, which I have discussed in my previous mail. (Side note: both XML schema and Relax NG have provisions for context-dependant validation, expressed in "Russian doll" style. So it would not be that difficult. It would only be ugly from a conceptual point of view...) > Second, you have left out > the top element, which needs to be something fixed, rather than being > map or array or value depending on the structure of the data. Omitting <llsd> was probably just a way for Jon to get quickly to the point. -- Cathy
- [mmox] xxSD XML serialization Catherine Pfeffer