[MMUSIC] Feedback on draft-boucadair-mmusic-altc-04 as Independent Submission

"Miguel A. Garcia" <Miguel.A.Garcia@ericsson.com> Tue, 03 April 2012 12:35 UTC

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Cc: Flemming Andreasen <fandreas@cisco.com>
Subject: [MMUSIC] Feedback on draft-boucadair-mmusic-altc-04 as Independent Submission
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This mail is related to draft-boucadair-mmusic-altc-04.txt, available at:


This draft has been submitted to the RFC Editor for publication in the 
independent submission stream. Because of this, it can be published as 
either Informational or Experimental RFC.

The RFC Editor, in these cases, gets feedback from the community about 
the possible publication, including consultation to the IESG (see RFC 5742).

We would like to get your input, basically, indicating whether you are OK 
with the publication of this Informational/Experimental RFC or whether 
you have concerns. We will try to have a consolidated set of comments to 
the RFC Editor.

The draft proposes a mechanism to include several IP addresses related to 
the same media stream in an SDP offer, including alternative IPv4 and 
IPv6 addresses.

The draft presents a problem: it defines a SIP option tag. SIP option 
tags can only be defined in standards track RFCs (See RFC 3261 Section 
19.2), but this document can only be Informational or Experimental.

Please let the mailing list know your thoughts.


           Flemming and Miguel (chairs)
Miguel A. Garcia
Ericsson Spain