[MMUSIC] I-D Action: draft-ietf-mmusic-media-loopback-23.txt

internet-drafts@ietf.org Mon, 10 September 2012 01:54 UTC

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A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
 This draft is a work item of the Multiparty Multimedia Session Control Working Group of the IETF.

	Title           : An Extension to the Session Description Protocol (SDP) and Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) for Media Loopback
	Author(s)       : Hadriel Kaplan
                          Kaynam Hedayat
                          Nagarjuna Venna
                          Paul E. Jones
                          Nathan Stratton
	Filename        : draft-ietf-mmusic-media-loopback-23.txt
	Pages           : 33
	Date            : 2012-09-09

    The wide deployment of Voice over IP (VoIP), Text and Video over IP
    services has introduced new challenges in managing and maintaining
    real-time voice/text/video quality, reliability, and overall
    performance.  In particular, media delivery is an area that needs
    attention.  One method of meeting these challenges is monitoring
    the media delivery performance by looping media back to the
    transmitter.  This is typically referred to as "active monitoring"
    of services.   Media loopback is especially popular in ensuring the
    quality of transport to the edge of a given VoIP, Real-time Text or
    Video over IP service.  Today in networks that deliver real-time
    media, short of running 'ping' and 'traceroute' to the edge,
    administrators are left without the necessary tools to actively
    monitor, manage, and diagnose quality issues with their service.
    The extension defined herein adds new SDP media types and
    attributes, which enable establishment of media sessions where the
    media is looped back to the transmitter. Such media sessions will
    serve as monitoring and troubleshooting tools by providing the
    means for measurement of more advanced VoIP, Real-time Text and
    Video over IP performance metrics.

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