[MMUSIC] MMUSIC milestones updated

"Miguel A. Garcia" <Miguel.A.Garcia@ericsson.com> Fri, 12 October 2012 15:43 UTC

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Subject: [MMUSIC] MMUSIC milestones updated
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We have got our milestones updated. A few dates have been updated, and we 
got new milestones for:

- SDP extensions for duplicated streams
- SDP considerations for G.723 Annex A and G.729 Annex B
- current practices in hosted NAT traversal
- a revision of ICE

This is not the full picture yet, we are discussing with our ADs more 
changes to the milestones. But in order to allow a few drafts to be 
submitted as WG items (-00) before the Monday 15th deadline, we wanted to 
push this update.

We have also requested the Secretariat to remove all those milestones 
listed as "Done" in our charter page. They are really ancient milestones.

Miguel A. Garcia
Ericsson Spain