Re: [MMUSIC] [clue] Incoming liaison statement from MPEG
"Roni Even" <> Fri, 01 June 2012 17:02 UTC
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From: Roni Even <>
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Subject: Re: [MMUSIC] [clue] Incoming liaison statement from MPEG
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Stephan, I did not see the liaison statement yet in MMUSIC, so I hope it will be available in time for us to review. >From the example of color primaries I am not sure why we need to have this in SDP. if this is something that is sent as part of the payload do we need to send it also in SDP? Roni From: [] On Behalf Of Stephan Wenger Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 7:29 PM To:; Subject: [clue] Incoming liaison statement from MPEG Hi all, MPEG is working towards codec independent code points, and has sent to MMUSIC a liaison statement asking for our input. Especially the audio stuff may also be relevant to CLUE, so I copy CLUE here as well. No deadline is provided, but I note that MPEG meets two weeks before the Vancouver IETF meeting and the text they sent us is already a CD, so our time to influence their decisions (if we choose to do so) is limited. MPEG has observed that many code points relevant for audio and video are generic in the sense that they can be applicable to many video or audio codecs. Recent MPEG (and joint MPEG/ITU) video coding standards have occasionally copy-pasted whole sections of code points concerning things like color primaries. They want to avoid this in the future. So they farm out stuff that is historically located in video/audio codec specs, but are likely to be common between different codecs. My hunch is that the code point in their draft standard could be translated to SDP-ish syntax. At this point, it is XML-ish. Stephan
- [MMUSIC] Incoming liaison statement from MPEG Stephan Wenger
- Re: [MMUSIC] Incoming liaison statement from MPEG Miguel A. Garcia
- [MMUSIC] Incoming liaison statement from MPEG Stephan Wenger
- Re: [MMUSIC] Incoming liaison statement from MPEG Roy Yue(PeiYu)
- [MMUSIC] Incoming liaison statement from MPEG Stephan Wenger
- Re: [MMUSIC] [clue] Incoming liaison statement fr… Roni Even
- Re: [MMUSIC] [clue] Incoming liaison statement fr… Stephan Wenger
- Re: [MMUSIC] [clue] Incoming liaison statement fr… Thomas Stockhammer
- Re: [MMUSIC] [clue] Incoming liaison statement fr… Mo Zanaty (mzanaty)
- [MMUSIC] Fwd: [clue] Incoming liaison statement f… Mary Barnes
- [MMUSIC] Incoming liaison statement from MPEG Stephan Wenger
- Re: [MMUSIC] [clue] Incoming liaison statement fr… Bert Greevenbosch