[MMUSIC] WG poll for consensus MSID draft

Stefan Hakansson LK <stefan.lk.hakansson@ericsson.com> Thu, 11 October 2012 14:12 UTC

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Subject: [MMUSIC] WG poll for consensus MSID draft
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I'm not a MMUSIC regular, but active in rtcweb. I would like this draft 
to go forward as the info that msid provides is necessary for "gluing 
together" the JS API and the actual rtp streams.


"At the last IETF meeting we had a presentation of the following draft:


At that time, there was interest in solving the problem of cross session 
stream identification.

We would like to poll the working group for consensus on adopting the 
above mentioned draft as a working group item, once we get an approved 

If you support this work or have problems with the adoption of this 
document as WG item, please indicate it by replying to this e-mail 
within the next 5 days.

Flemming and Miguel (co-chairs)

Miguel A. Garcia
Ericsson Spain"