Re: [MMUSIC] Semantics of an "m=" line
Paul Kyzivat <> Mon, 15 July 2013 20:01 UTC
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Subject: Re: [MMUSIC] Semantics of an "m=" line
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Emil, This is a useful draft. It makes some good point. I have some comments/questions: Section 1: o the addition or removal of simulcast or layered streams must be possible without the need for Offer/Answer exchanges beyond the initial declaration of such capabilities for either direction. ISTM that simulcast needs more discussion - it is nuanced. E.g. the following are all things one might like to say about simulcast: - I am sending the same thing in multiple formats. You can pick the one(s) you want to receive. (Especially for broadcast/multicast) - I am preparted to send the same thing in multiple formats. You can pick the one(s) you want me to send. - I want to receive a single source in multiple formats. Certainly there is need for the simulcast indication in SDP for the multicast case. And probably in some of the others. But I am not convinced it is always necessary for simulcast to be indicated in SDP. In some cases, there may be no need for the receiver to know that two streams it is receiving happen to be simulcasts on one another. And in other cases it will already know by some means. (Which is your point.) Also Section 1: o application specific signalling should be used to cover most semantics following call establishment, such as adding, removing or identifying SSRCs; I think this is the controversial point. In *some* cases, where the semantics are complex and dynamic, this makes sense. But there are no doubt many cases that are relatively simple, where its much more convenient to do something in SDP than it is to define a new application channel to negotiate this. Section 4: Demuxing and Identifying Streams The demux based solely on PT is fine if bundling is only used to combine m-lines with different media types. In that case there will be at most one bundled m-line per top level mime type. And this satisfies my requirement that it always be possible to map a packet to an m-line. But if bundling is used for any other reason, then the number of likely m-lines goes up, and the acceptability of unique PTs goes down. Then the discussion changes. I don't think the description of what must be done is quite right. You don't quite say what a depacketizing/decoding/processing chain *is*. Do you intend this as a *type* of chain, or an *instance* of a chain? I think it has to be *instance*. E.g. there may be two VP8 chains, with all the same settings, but processing different flows. Simplistically, you might say that the *type* of chain can be determined by the PT, and the *instance* of that chain can be determined by the SSRC. But typically such chains would be assigned based on where they are intended to be rendered. (Equal number of chains and renderers.) So when a new SSRC is received, and there is no matching chain, then either it must be dropped, or else some existing chain must be reconfigured to process this SSRC. This may need to happen without any additional out of band info to help. How do you imagine this being done? (In simple cases this might be done by *policy*. But I don't know if that is enough.) Is it your position that if this can't be done by policy then there must be some application-specific signaling mechanism to do it? Thanks, Paul On 7/15/13 2:44 PM, Emil Ivov wrote: > Hey all, > > Just submitted a new draft that should server as a basis for discussion > on "m=" line semantics in offer answer: > > > > The goal of the draft is to discuss the use of "m=" lines by > Offer/Answer according to their original design in SDP: as envelopes for > RTP sessions with any number of SSRCs. > > In many ways, this new document describes the basis of "No Plan" but in > a generic way, not related to WebRTC. > > Feedback is welcome and hopefully we will be able to also discuss this > in Berlin. > > Cheers, > Emil
- [MMUSIC] Semantics of an "m=" line Emil Ivov
- Re: [MMUSIC] Semantics of an "m=" line Paul Kyzivat
- Re: [MMUSIC] Semantics of an "m=" line Emil Ivov