[MMUSIC] [mmusic-t140-usage-data-channel]: "a=dcsa" for T.140 cps parameter
"Schwarz, Albrecht (Albrecht)" <albrecht.schwarz@alcatel-lucent.com> Tue, 06 October 2015 08:15 UTC
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From: "Schwarz, Albrecht (Albrecht)" <albrecht.schwarz@alcatel-lucent.com>
To: "mmusic@ietf.org" <mmusic@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: [mmusic-t140-usage-data-channel]: "a=dcsa" for T.140 cps parameter
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Subject: [MMUSIC] [mmusic-t140-usage-data-channel]: "a=dcsa" for T.140 cps parameter
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Dear All, the discussion about "SDP limitations" at SLIM (see https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/slim/C-82-NRgfR50mVTkM_wklrKw0SY ) spotted an issue in draft-schwarz-mmusic-t140-usage-data-channel-02.txt related dcsa usage: We've used (in clause Example SDP Negotiation) a=dcsa:1 cps=30 which misses the fmtp parameter (see RFC 4103). It was proposed to use instead e.g. a=dcsa:1 fmtp:- cps=30 The reason why we omitted the fmtp parameter is the fact that the binding is already provided by the dcsa stream-id value, hence fmtp is not required, just introduces redundancy. However, we will update the example as suggested by Christian due to consistency reasons with draft-ietf-mmusic-data-channel-sdpneg: Syntax: dcsa-value = stream-id SP attribute attribute = <from-RFC4566> Any further comments? Albrecht
- [MMUSIC] [mmusic-t140-usage-data-channel]: "a=dcs… Schwarz, Albrecht (Albrecht)
- Re: [MMUSIC] [mmusic-t140-usage-data-channel]: "a… Gunnar Hellström