Re: [MMUSIC] Bundle offer with different ports - where to expect media?

Emil Ivov <> Mon, 20 May 2013 12:12 UTC

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Subject: Re: [MMUSIC] Bundle offer with different ports - where to expect media?
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Hey Christer,

On 20.05.13, 14:43, Christer Holmberg wrote:
> Hi, 
> Currently BUNDLE defines that the first offer is sent with separate port
> numbers (later, if the answerer has indicated support of BUNDLE, the
> offerer will send a second offer, with identical port numbers).
> Some people have indicated that the offerer shall be able to receive
> data already when the first offer has been sent. The question is on
> which port(s) it needs to be able to receive media.

Do we really have a choice here? We send the offer with different port
numbers so that it would work with endpoints that have no knowledge of
bundle. Such endpoints can start streaming media to any port. Bundled
devices can, on the other hand, start streaming media on the bundle port.

So in other words, the offerer need to expect media arriving on any port
just as it needs to expect any stream arriving on the bundle port.

This would be consistent with what we do for rtcp-mux.


> -          Some have suggested the port of the first non-zero m- line
> within the offered bundle group.
> -          Some have suggested ANY port
> The issue with assuming the first non-zero m- line is that the answerer
> in the answer may reject it (put the port to zero), or remove it from
> the bundle group (which people seem to want to allow). In both cases it
> would be strange to assume the first m- line.
> Now, in case e.g. ICE is used, the offerer will be able to send the
> second offer before any media is received to begin with. But, the
> offerer could still receive STUN connectivity checks on any of the
> ports, until the second offer has been sent.
> We need text in BUNDLE about this, so comments/inputs are welcome :)
> Regards,
> Christer
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