Re: [MMUSIC] draft-ietf-mmusic-traffic-class-for-sdp-01

"James M. Polk" <> Wed, 28 March 2012 08:00 UTC

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Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 03:00:39 -0500
To: Paul Kyzivat <>, "Paul E. Jones" <>
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Subject: Re: [MMUSIC] draft-ietf-mmusic-traffic-class-for-sdp-01
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At 12:13 PM 3/27/2012, Paul Kyzivat wrote:
>On 3/27/12 6:55 PM, Paul E. Jones wrote:
>>The previous draft had it that way (somewhat).  We had "admitted" and
>>"non-admitted" at the end.  However, it was suggested that we group related
>>things together.  So, for indicating "admitted" or "non-admitted" or "none",
>>we defined the "admission qualifier" (aq).  There may be other adjective
>>groups that we might define in the future (or now if people can think of
>>useful examples).
>>As one perhaps less useful example might be to indicate the resolution of a
>>video.  So, there might be a "res:1080|720|360" or "res:high|medium|low".
>>One benefit in defining groups of adjectives is that if you are looking for
>>the admission qualifier value, for example, then you can find the
>>"aq:<whatever>" adjective.  You may not know what"<whatever>" means, but at
>>least you can identify that it is the admission qualifier value.
>>So, it's there just to provide a grouping construct and to allow for
>>identification of the group, even if the value in the group is not
>I see the value in the grouping. I just don't see the value in 
>introducing formal syntax for that grouping. I think it would make 
>the parser simpler to achieve the sort of grouping you are talking 
>about through an informal naming convention on the attributes. You 
>could have exactly the same names you do now if you simply permitted 
>":" as a valid character anywhere in attribute names. Or, you can 
>simply settle for some other separator character in the convention, 
>like "-", as in "aq-accepted".
>The special syntax for qualified attributes leaves me expecting more 
>- some special significance to qualifiers in general and the aq qualifier.

Like I said, this is a good suggestion you have here.


>         Thanks,
>         Paul
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: [] On Behalf
>>>Of Paul Kyzivat
>>>Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 6:56 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [MMUSIC] draft-ietf-mmusic-traffic-class-for-sdp-01
>>>We've had other discussions on "immersive". This is other stuff I had that
>>>didn't seem worth bringing up in the meeting:
>>>In section 3, the way qualified-adjective is defined, the values for q-
>>>adjective ("admitted", ...) can be used not only with "aq" (e.g.
>>>aq:admitted), but can also be used with any other extension-mech that
>>>might later be defined.
>>>That is ok if it is your intent. Is it?
>>>I'm not at all clear what the distinction is between qualifed and
>>>unqualified adjectives. I suspect you could get the effect you want by
>>>discarding the distinction between qualified and unqualified adjectives,
>>>and simply defining "aq-admitted", "aq-non-admitted", and "aq-none" as
>>>         Thanks,
>>>         Paul
>>>mmusic mailing list
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