Re: [MMUSIC] comments on draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-g723-g729-03
"Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal (mperumal)" <> Fri, 05 July 2013 05:24 UTC
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From: "Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal (mperumal)" <>
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Subject: Re: [MMUSIC] comments on draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-g723-g729-03
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Fixed the subject to make it easier to search.. Muthu |-----Original Message----- |From: Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal (mperumal) |Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 10:42 AM |To: ''; Parthasarathi R; |Subject: RE: RE:` | |Hi Aurelien, | |Partha and I had a discussion. Please see inline for [Muthu]: | ||-----Original Message----- ||From: [] ||Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2013 3:44 PM ||To: Parthasarathi R;; Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal (mperumal) ||Subject: RE:` || ||Hello || ||My answers inline ||(I removed the agreed parts) || ||Aurelien || ||-----Message d'origine----- ||De : Parthasarathi R [] ||Envoyé : mercredi 3 juillet 2013 19:29 ||À : SOLLAUD Aurelien OLNC/OLN;; Objet : RE: comments on draft- |ietf- ||mmusic-sdp-g723-g729-03 || ||Hi Aurelien, || ||Sorry for the delay response. Thanks for the review comments. || ||Please read inline. || ||Thanks ||Partha || ||> -----Original Message----- ||> From: [] ||> Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 1:52 PM ||> To:;; ||> Subject: comments on draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-g723-g729-03 ||> || || (snip) ||> ||> ||> ** Section 3.1 ||> ||> 2) ||> After the first paragraph, I suggest to insert the new paragraph below: ||> ||> ---NEW ||> The Annex A of the codec concerns both sending and receiving, so both ||> sides of a bi-directional session MUST have the same setting. If one ||> party indicates that it does not support Annex A, Annex A must be ||> deactivated both ways. ||> ----- ||> That defines the general rationale of the following paragraphs. ||> ||<Partha> I agree with that it is the objective of this O/A requirement but how this statement ||qualifies for normative statement is not clear. From the offerer perspective, there is no control on ||same setting in both sides. In case you look at the combine requirements of this draft, this object |is ||met. ||</Partha> || ||[Aurelien] OK. I agree you can turn "MUST" into "must". I think this new paragraph helps anyway. | |[Muthu] Agree it helps. However, the text could be reworded to make it crisper: | | The objective of the below statements is to make sure that if the offerer | or answerer indicates it does not support Annex A, Annex A is not used. | |Does it sound good? | || || ||> ||> 3) ||> ----- ||> When the offer has G723 with annexa=no then the answer MUST NOT have ||> annexa=yes for G723. Thus the annexa parameter can be turned off by ||> the answerer, but cannot be turned on. ||> ----- ||> I don't think this new requirement is needed. ||> Anyway implementation that will not implement this RFC-to-be will not ||> comply with it. ||> ||<Partha> As per based G723 RFC, it is expected for all the implementation to support annexa. This ||issue is discussed in </Partha> || ||[Aurelien] Yes I agree all implementations support annexa. What I called the RFC-to-be is the |document ||draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-g723-g729. My comment was that previous implementations will not comply with ||this "MUST NOT". A warning should be written on this. The receiver of the SDP should be tolerant and ||ready to receive SDP not compliant with this new requirement, without breaking. ||I the offer has annexa=no and the answer (of an old implementation) has annexa=yes, Annex A must not ||be used. ||It is the same kind of thing you describe later about the case where the offer has annexa=no and the ||answer has no annexa at all. Annex A must not be used. | |[Muthu] Agree. I think both this paragraph and the later paragraph (that describes the case where the |offer has annexa=no and the answer has no annexa at all) can be combined together: | | When the offer has G723 with annexa=no, after the offer/answer | completion the offerer and answerer MUST proceed as if G723 is | negotiated with annexa=no. | | When the offer has G723 with annexa=no, the reason for not mandating | that the answer MUST have annexa=no for G723 is that there are there | implementations that omit the annexa parameter in answer and expect | the least common denominator to be used. | |Does it sound good? | || || || (snip) ||> ||> ** Section 3.2 ||> ||> 5) ||> After the first two paragraphs, I suggest to insert the new paragraph ||> below: ||> ||> ---NEW ||> The Annex B of the codec concerns both sending and receiving, so both ||> sides of a bi-directional session MUST have the same setting. If one ||> party indicates that it does not support Annex B, Annex B must be ||> deactivated both ways. ||> ----- ||> That defines the general rationale of the following paragraphs. ||> || ||<Partha> Same as comment 2 reply. I agree with that it is the objective of this O/A requirement but ||how this statement qualifies for normative statement is not clear. From the offerer perspective, |there ||is no control on same setting in both sides. In case you look at the combine requirements of this ||draft, this object is met. </Partha> || ||[Aurelien] same as comment 2, you can keep it informative and turn the "MUST" into "must". | |[Muthu] Same as above: | | The objective of the below statements is to make sure that if the offerer | or answerer indicates it does not support Annex B, Annex B is not used. | |Does it sound good? | || || ||> ||> 6) ||> ----- ||> When the offer or answer has G729 and the annexb parameter is ||> absent, ||> it MUST be considered as if the offer or answer has G729 with ||> annexb=yes. ||> ----- ||> This paragraph is redundant with what is said before. ||> Remove it. ||> ||> || ||<Partha> As per based G729 RFC, it is expected for all the implementation to support annexb. This ||issue is discussed in </Partha> || ||[Aurelien] You did not understand me. I said to remove the paragraph because it is an exact |repetition ||of text. I quote the whole text: || ||---- || When the offer or answer has G729 and the annexb parameter is absent, || the offerer or answerer knows that it has implied the default || "annexb=yes". This is because the annexb attribute is part of the || original registration of audio/G729 [RFC4856]. All implementations || that support G729 understand the annexb attribute. Hence, this case || MUST be considered as if the offer or answer has G729 with || annexb=yes. || || When the offer or answer has G729 and the annexb parameter is absent, || it MUST be considered as if the offer or answer has G729 with || annexb=yes. ||---- || ||As you can see, the second paragraph says the exact same thing as the first one. | |[Muthu] Agree, the second paragraph is redundant. | || || ||> 7) ||> ----- ||> When the offer has G729 with annexb=no then the answer MUST NOT have ||> annexb=yes for G729. Thus the annexb parameter can be turned off by ||> the answerer, but cannot be turned on. ||> ----- ||> I don't think this new requirement is needed. ||> For the same reason as for G723 ||> ||<Partha> Same reply as comment 3. As per based G729 RFC, it is expected for all the implementation to ||support annexb. This issue is discussed in ||archive/web/mmusic/current/msg11165.html </Partha> || ||[Aurelien] Same as comment 3, I suggest adding a warning on previous implementation that may not ||comply with this new requirement. | |[Muthu] Same as above: | | When the offer has G729 with annexb=no, after the offer/answer | completion the offerer and answerer MUST proceed as if G729 is | negotiated with annexb=no. | | When the offer has G729 with annexb=no, the reason for not mandating | that the answer MUST have annexb=no for G729 is that there are there | implementations that omit the annexb parameter in answer and expect | the least common denominator to be used. | |Does it sound good? | |Thanks for your inputs, | |Muthu | || || (snip) || ||_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ |_ ||___________________ || ||Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ||ne doivent donc ||pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, ||veuillez le signaler ||a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant ||susceptibles d'alteration, ||Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. || ||This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be ||protected by law; ||they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. ||If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this message and its ||attachments. ||As emails may be altered, Orange is not liable for messages that have been modified, changed or ||falsified. ||Thank you.
- [MMUSIC] comments on draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-g723-g… aurelien.sollaud
- Re: [MMUSIC] comments on draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-g7… Parthasarathi R
- Re: [MMUSIC] comments on draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-g7… aurelien.sollaud
- Re: [MMUSIC] comments on draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-g7… Muthu Arul Mozhi Perumal (mperumal)
- Re: [MMUSIC] comments on draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-g7… aurelien.sollaud