Re: [MMUSIC] Some issues with draft-ietf-mmusic-trickle-ice-sip-02

Thomas Stach <> Mon, 27 July 2015 15:10 UTC

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Subject: Re: [MMUSIC] Some issues with draft-ietf-mmusic-trickle-ice-sip-02
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Am 24.07.2015 um 13:27 schrieb Paul Kyzivat:
> Thomas,
> Comments inline...
> On 7/24/15 6:46 AM, Thomas Stach wrote:
>> Paul,
>> thanks for looking into this and pointing out the issues
>> I think they can be fixed quite easily.
>> More below
>> Am 23.07.2015 um 01:58 schrieb Paul Kyzivat:
>>> This is not a complete review of the document - I'm focusing only on
>>> the sdpfrag related stuff.
>>> Section 8.1 says:
>>>    A valid application/sdpfrag part could be obtained by starting with
>>>    some valid SDP session description [I-D.ietf-mmusic-rfc4566bis] and
>>>    deleting any number of lines.
>>> Then section 8.2 says:
>>>    The ABNF of an 'application/sdpfrag' body is based on
>>>    [I-D.ietf-mmusic-rfc4566bis] with the following modification
>>>       ; SDPfrag Syntax
>>>              sdp-frag = *1proto-version
>>>                         *1origin-field
>>>                         *1session-name-field
>>>                         *1information-field
>>>                         *1uri-field
>>>                         *1email-fields
>>>                         *1phone-fields
>>>                         *1connection-field
>>>                         *1bandwidth-fields
>>>                         *1time-fields
>>>                         *1key-field
>>>                         *1attribute-fields
>>>                         *1media-descriptions
>>> Those two sections are inconsistent. Some of the individual elements
>>> above (media-descriptions and time-fields) expand into more than one
>>> line. This leads to the possibility that you could take valid SDP body
>>> and delete some lines, leading to something that doesn't match the
>>> above syntax.
>> I'll propose a more elaborate ABNF that will address this in the updated
>> draft. I think it will just need a few tweaks.
> This whole issue is aggravated by the obtuse way that the ABNF syntax 
> of SDP is constructed. It makes it easy to miss seeing why there is a 
> problem here. (It was only recently that I realized the complex 
> relationship of t=,r=,z= and I've been studying this syntax for 
> years.) It also complicates writing an ABNF for sdpfrag using 
> references to rules in the SDP draft.
> Since we have an SDPbis in progress, it might be worth discussing if 
> we should clean up the ABNF used to define the SDP syntax, in a way 
> that would make it clearer to a reader what is going on, and also 
> simplify what you are looking for. 
Agreed that the ABNF is ugly, but that's a good fit for the rest of SDP.
Also agreed that it can make things easier when defining ABNF for 
sdpfrag, but I'm not conviced that we should go down that road 
considering the level of maturity that SDP has achieved in the last 17 
> For that matter, we might consider defining sdpfrag in sdpbis.
I'd like to avoid making trickle-ice-sdp depending to 4566bis. This 
could delay things quite a bit.
> If we did this, we would have to be careful that the new abnf is 
> equivalent to the old one, for backward compatibility. That should be 
> quite straightforward to do.
> There is a possibility that such a change could invalidate some other 
> existing rfc or draft that references one of the affected rules. That 
> would require some research.
Another source for additional delay.
>>> For example, media-descriptions allows a variety of other lines
>>> following an m= line. If you take a valid SDP and delete the m= lines
>>> you can get something that has a c= following an a=.
>>> Similarly, time-fields only allows an r= line following a t= line.
>>> According to 8.1 you could take an SDP containing t=,r= and delete the
>>> t=, leaving a "naked" r= line. But the sdp-frag syntax in 8.2 can't
>>> generate that.
>> Will be fixed.
>>> Beyond that, both of those introduce context-sensitivity. E.g., an a=
>>> following an m= has a different significance than one preceding the
>>> first m=. If you removed all the m= lines from an SDP the result would
>>> be incomprehensible. So the notion of stripping arbitrary lines from
>>> and SDP and making sense of the result is nonsense.
>> I agree that you can generate nonsense by removing arbitray lines from
>> SDP. However, I don't intent to prevent that in general.
>> In the next update I can put some warning text around this .
> That would be helpful.
>> The draft already says "The exact content of an 'application/sdpfrag'
>> body MUST be specified the using protocol."
>> Section 9.6 defines the necessary contraints for trickle-ice. Other
>> future application will need to do something similar.
> My concern here is that this really means nobody needs/uses the syntax 
> of sdpfrag. 
That's a valid concern. The sdpfrag syntax  would of course be the 
basis/superset for other more constrained app-specifiic ABNFs.
> Everybody must define a new syntax, such that every body that matches 
> the protocol-specific syntax also matches the sdpfrag syntax. 
Exactly. Isn't this what we wanted? It constrains what you can put into 
the app-specific syntax and avoids that app-specifc syntax is totally 
> This is in addition to the rule that every body that matches the sdp 
> syntax must also match the sdpfrag syntax.
It should follow naturally that SDP syntax is also a valid sdpfrag and I 
don't consider it a bad thing.
> IIUC, the "value" of sdpfrag is that a single content-type can be 
> defined and used for all these different protocols. But then the 
> content-type isn't really precise, since not all bodies that conform 
> to its syntax are value for any particular usage of it.
What do mean by 'precise' in this context?
A valid body for a particular usage is always a valid sdpfrag, but no 
vice versa.
I seem to remember that we didn't want that a trickle-ice agent needs to 
make sense out of arbitrary sdpfrags.
Thus, a trickle-ice INFO package body is certainly a valid sdpfrag, but 
it adheres to a specifc structure and does not allow e.g. c=, b=, t=,... 

> ISTM that having a content-type that is specific to the allowed 
> content would be preferable. If that is done, then there ceases to be 
> any real need for sdpfrag.
>>> It does turn out that the definition of trickle-ice-sdpfrag is
>>> consistent with the syntax of sdp-frag. So there isn't a big problem.
>>> If you remove/replace the textual definition of sipfrag in 8.1 then
>>> things are consistent and make sense.
>>> But is there any need for application/sdpfrag? Wouldn't it be more
>>> straightforward to define application/trickle-ice-sdpfrag?
>> My understanding from IETF90 was that there was consensus that the
>> principle of taking vaild SDP and remove arbitrary lines should be kept,
>> but there need to be application-specific contraints that define the
>> semantics of a specific sdpfrag body.
>> Since your issues can be fixed quite easily there isn't need to deviate
>> from that concept.
> I agree that it *can* be fixed as you say. The question is whether 
> that is the best way forward.
Maybe not the best way, but certainly a pragmatic way. Engineers often 
don't need it perfect, it's ok if it works just good enough.
As next step I propose to correct the ABNF based on what we have now and 
continue from there.

>     Thanks,
>     Paul