[MMUSIC] RTSP 2.0: Section 18.20: Sequence numbering.

Elwyn Davies <elwynd@folly.org.uk> Wed, 09 October 2013 15:13 UTC

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In the proces of checking the changes from v34 to v37, I found that
there have been some changes to the CSeq specification  (Section 18.20)
that seem a bit garbled.

In para 1, it is stated:
> For each new RTSP request an agent creates the CSeq value
>    MUST be incremented by one.

Then later:
> Agents receiving a request over a reliable transport with an in-order
>    delivery MUST ignore how the sequence value increments, i.e. it can
>    increment with other values than 1. 

> Proxies that aggregate several client sessions on the same transport
>    will have to ensure that the requests sent towards a particular
>    server have a joint sequence number space.  A proxy having one client
>    with concurrent sessions with two different servers using the same
>    client proxy connection can avoid rewriting on the proxy to server
>    connection.  

The first requirement is contradicted by the second and third stories.

We also have:
> It also enables detecting loss of a request
>    and await a retransmission prior to processing a sub-sequent request
>    when using unreliable transport.  

I understood that RTSP/2.0 is only specified to run over reliable
transports, so this either requires some usage of the subjunctive mood
or maybe deletion.  However, having non-sequential CSeq values would
indeed screw up any future usage of unreliable transport.

I wonder if this can be handled by changing the increment requirement so
that it applies to requests sent down a given server connection (or
channel).  Then if unreliable transports ever did come back, the
sequencing would still work on a per source/destination address/port
quadruple (or whatever), while giving unique (but not necessarily
integer sequential) numbering on the multiplexed connections.

Anyway, I think that this section needs another pass to sort out the
