[MMUSIC] Issue in draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-cs

Andrew Allen <aallen@rim.com> Tue, 10 April 2012 19:15 UTC

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From: Andrew Allen <aallen@rim.com>
To: "mmusic@ietf.org" <mmusic@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Issue in draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-cs
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In 5.2.1 of the draft  it shows:

                c= PSTN - -
as a valid syntax however in section 5.6.1 it states:

The endpoint MUST set the <nettype> in the "c=" line to "PSTN", and the <addrtype> to "E164". 

Offline discussions with the authors indicates that they believe this is a 
bug in 5.6.1, and that the text should say that if the endpoint is not aware of its E.164 number, both the <addrtype> and <connectionaddress> should be set to "-".

It is proposed that a  change is made to  paragraph in 5.6.1 to 
clearly separate the cases when the endpoint is aware of its E.164 number and when it is not.

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