[MMUSIC] SDP Directorate: Review of draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-decodability-07

"Ali C. Begen (abegen)" <abegen@cisco.com> Sun, 24 February 2013 21:54 UTC

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From: "Ali C. Begen (abegen)" <abegen@cisco.com>
To: "draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-decodability@tools.ietf.org" <draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-decodability@tools.ietf.org>
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Subject: [MMUSIC] SDP Directorate: Review of draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-decodability-07
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I am the assigned SDP directorate reviewer for this draft. For background
on the SDP directorate, please see the FAQ at

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd or AD before posting
a new version of the draft.

- The RTCP XR extension syntax looks fine
- There is one (small) technical issue
- There are quite a few editorial issues

Technical Issues:
1) I am puzzled why you named the new block as "non-psi-ts-decodability".
It does not follow what you have in the title. I also did not get the
"non" part.

Editorial Issues:
1) I don't have the ISO document handy but I think the container is called
MPEG2 Transport Stream not MPEG Transport Stream. Please double check.

2) The abstract mentions the use of broadcast of transport streams in IPTV
systems. IPTV uses only unicast and multicast. Cable and satellite systems
use the broadcast of transport streams.

3) Document's short name is "RTCP XR Non PSI Decodability". Why?

4) The title has "metric" but the abstract has "metrics." Please be

5) Section 1.1. "application-dependant" -> "application-dependent"

6) Use either "decodability" or "de-codability".

7) Section 1.4. AFAIK, there is no such thing called "MPEG4 TS content."
The content could be encoded with MPEG4 but the transport stream is still
MPEG2 Transport Stream. So, you could say "MPEG4 over MPEG2-TS over RTP."

8) The text seems to be using both "MPEG TS PSI Independent decodability
statistics metrics" and "MPEG-TS PSI Independent Decodability Metrics". I
think you need the former.

9) There are several typos (mostly due to copy/paste errors). Please fix
them. Acknowledgements section also has misspellings and typos.