Re: [MMUSIC] FW: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-mmusic-rfc4566bis-13.txt
Paul Kyzivat <> Tue, 13 January 2015 18:05 UTC
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Subject: Re: [MMUSIC] FW: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-mmusic-rfc4566bis-13.txt
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I have a suggestion that will improve the readability of the draft without changing the semantics at all, by using an extension to ABNF defined recently (by me) in RFC7405. It allows the direct specification of case-sensitive strings in ABNF. Using that I suggest the following changes: * Section 6.8: OLD: orient-value = portrait / landscape / seascape portrait = %x70.6f. ; "portrait" landscape = %x6c.61.6e. ; "landscape" seascape = %x73. ; "seascape" ; Note: this assumes the intent was to be case-sensitive ; Does anything think this should be matched in a ; case-insensitive way??? NEW: orient-value = portrait / landscape / seascape portrait = %s"portrait" landscape = %s"landscape" seascape = %s"seascape" ; NOTE: These names are case-sensitive. * Section 6.9: OLD: conference-type = broadcast / meeting / moderated / test / H332 broadcast = %x62.72.6f. ; "broadcast" meeting = %x6d. ; "meeting" moderated = %x6d.6f. ; "moderated" test = %x74.65.73.74 ; "test" H332 = %x48.33.33.32 ; "H332" ; NOTE: These names are case-sensitive. NEW: conference-type = broadcast / meeting / moderated / test / H332 broadcast = %s"broadcast" meeting = %s"meeting" moderated = %s"moderated" test = %s"test" H332 = %s"H332" ; NOTE: These names are case-sensitive. * Section 9: OLD: This section provides an Augmented BNF grammar for SDP. ABNF is defined in [RFC5234]. NEW: This section provides an Augmented BNF grammar for SDP. ABNF is defined in [RFC5234] and [RFC7405]. OLD: proto-version = %x76 "=" 1*DIGIT CRLF ;this memo describes version 0 origin-field = %x6f "=" username SP sess-id SP sess-version SP nettype SP addrtype SP unicast-address CRLF session-name-field = %x73 "=" text CRLF information-field = [%x69 "=" text CRLF] uri-field = [%x75 "=" uri CRLF] email-fields = *(%x65 "=" email-address CRLF) phone-fields = *(%x70 "=" phone-number CRLF) connection-field = [%x63 "=" nettype SP addrtype SP connection-address CRLF] ;a connection field must be present ;in every media description or at the ;session-level bandwidth-fields = *(%x62 "=" bwtype ":" bandwidth CRLF) time-fields = 1*( %x74 "=" start-time SP stop-time *(CRLF repeat-fields) CRLF) [zone-adjustments CRLF] repeat-fields = %x72 "=" repeat-interval SP typed-time 1*(SP typed-time) zone-adjustments = %x7a "=" time SP ["-"] typed-time *(SP time SP ["-"] typed-time) key-field = [%x6b "=" key-type CRLF] attribute-fields = *(%x61 "=" attribute CRLF) NEW: proto-version = %s"v" "=" 1*DIGIT CRLF ;this memo describes version 0 origin-field = %s"o" "=" username SP sess-id SP sess-version SP nettype SP addrtype SP unicast-address CRLF session-name-field = %s"s" "=" text CRLF information-field = [%s"i" "=" text CRLF] uri-field = [%s"u" "=" uri CRLF] email-fields = *(%s"e" "=" email-address CRLF) phone-fields = *(%s"p" "=" phone-number CRLF) connection-field = [%s"c" "=" nettype SP addrtype SP connection-address CRLF] ;a connection field must be present ;in every media description or at the ;session-level bandwidth-fields = *(%s"b" "=" bwtype ":" bandwidth CRLF) time-fields = 1*( %s"t" "=" start-time SP stop-time *(CRLF repeat-fields) CRLF) [zone-adjustments CRLF] repeat-fields = %s"r" "=" repeat-interval SP typed-time 1*(SP typed-time) zone-adjustments = %s"z" "=" time SP ["-"] typed-time *(SP time SP ["-"] typed-time) key-field = [%s"k" "=" key-type CRLF] attribute-fields = *(%s"a" "=" attribute CRLF) OLD: media-field = %x6d "=" media SP port ["/" integer] SP proto 1*(SP fmt) CRLF NEW: media-field = %s"m" "=" media SP port ["/" integer] SP proto 1*(SP fmt) CRLF OLD: fixed-len-time-unit = %x64 / %x68 / %x6d / %x73 NEW: fixed-len-time-unit = %s"d" / %s"h" / %s"m" / %s"s" ; NOTE: These units are case-sensitive. OLD: key-type = %x70 %x72 %x6f %x6d %x70 %x74 / ; "prompt" %x63 %x6c %x65 %x61 %x72 ":" text / ; "clear:" %x62 %x61 %x73 %x65 "64:" base64 / ; "base64:" %x75 %x72 %x69 ":" uri ; "uri:" NEW: key-type = %s"prompt" %s"clear:" %s"base64:" %s"uri:" ; NOTE: These names are case-sensitive. OLD: token-char = %x21 / %x23-27 / %x2A-2B / %x2D-2E / %x30-39 / %x41-5A / %x5E-7E NEW: token-char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "!" / "#" / "$" / "%" / "&" / / "'" ; (single quote) / "*" / "+" / "-" / "." / "^" / "_" / "`" ; (Grave accent) / "{" / "|" / "}" / "~" (I can't tell you how many times I have had to look at the definition of token-char and an ascii chart to figure out if a particular special character is allowed in a token!) * Section 12.1: Add a reference to RFC7405. Thanks, Paul On 1/13/15 6:10 AM, Ali C. Begen (abegen) wrote: > This version addresses Colin’s and Christer’s comments (except Christer’s > comment on O/A procedures, which is pending a resolution). > > Things to do at this point: > 1) issues in the tracker > > > 2) inserting the text from 4566bis-iana-updates > > If there are things I omitted, please speak up. > > -acbegen > > -----Original Message----- > From: "" <> > Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 1:06 PM > To: Van Jacobson <>, "Mark J. Handley" > <>, "Ali C. Begen" <>, Colin Perkins > <>, Colin Perkins <>, Van Jacobson > <>, "Ali C. Begen" <>, Mark Handley > <> > Subject: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-mmusic-rfc4566bis-13.txt > >> >> A new version of I-D, draft-ietf-mmusic-rfc4566bis-13.txt >> has been successfully submitted by Ali Begen and posted to the >> IETF repository. >> >> Name: draft-ietf-mmusic-rfc4566bis >> Revision: 13 >> Title: SDP: Session Description Protocol >> Document date: 2015-01-13 >> Group: mmusic >> Pages: 57 >> URL: >> >> Status: >> >> Htmlized: >> Diff: >> >> >> Abstract: >> This memo defines the Session Description Protocol (SDP). SDP is >> intended for describing multimedia sessions for the purposes of >> session announcement, session invitation, and other forms of >> multimedia session initiation. This document obsoletes RFC 4566. >> >> >> >> >> >> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of >> submission >> until the htmlized version and diff are available at >> >> The IETF Secretariat >> >> > > > _______________________________________________ > mmusic mailing list > > >
- [MMUSIC] FW: New Version Notification for draft-i… Ali C. Begen (abegen)
- Re: [MMUSIC] FW: New Version Notification for dra… Paul Kyzivat
- Re: [MMUSIC] FW: New Version Notification for dra… Ali C. Begen (abegen)
- Re: [MMUSIC] FW: New Version Notification for dra… Ali C. Begen (abegen)
- Re: [MMUSIC] FW: New Version Notification for dra… Paul Kyzivat
- Re: [MMUSIC] FW: New Version Notification for dra… Ali C. Begen (abegen)