[MMUSIC] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC5547 (3190)

RFC Errata System <rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org> Thu, 12 April 2012 16:07 UTC

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Subject: [MMUSIC] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC5547 (3190)
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The following errata report has been submitted for RFC5547,
"A Session Description Protocol (SDP) Offer/Answer Mechanism to Enable File Transfer".

You may review the report below and at:

Type: Technical
Reported by: Bruno CHATRAS <bruno.chatras@orange.com>

Section: GLOBAL

Original Text
Section 9.1., paragraph 7:

    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Length: [length of SDP]


    Content-Type: application/sdp

Section 9.1., paragraph 9:

    Content-Type: image/jpeg
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
    Content-ID: <id2@alicepc.example.com>
    Content-Length: [length of image]
    Content-Disposition: icon


    Content-Type: image/jpeg
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
    Content-ID: <id2@alicepc.example.com>
    Content-Disposition: icon

Section 9.2., paragraph 24:

    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Length: [length of SDP]


    Content-Type: application/sdp

Section 9.2., paragraph 26:

    Content-Type: image/jpeg
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
    Content-ID: <id3@alicepc.example.com>
    Content-Length: [length of image]
    Content-Disposition: icon


    Content-Type: image/jpeg
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
    Content-ID: <id3@alicepc.example.com>
    Content-Disposition: icon

Corrected Text

A Content-Length header is shown for a body-part within a multipart body. But Content-Length is an HTTP/SIP header, not a IANA-registered MIME header and should therefore not appear at that location in valid examples. The length of a body part within a multipart body is determined by MIME framing. A Content-Length header found for a body-part within a multipart body is meaningless and should be ignored.

This was discussed on both the SIP Implementors and SIP Core mailing lists.

This errata is currently posted as "Reported". If necessary, please
use "Reply All" to discuss whether it should be verified or
rejected. When a decision is reached, the verifying party (IESG)
can log in to change the status and edit the report, if necessary. 

RFC5547 (draft-ietf-mmusic-file-transfer-mech-11)
Title               : A Session Description Protocol (SDP) Offer/Answer Mechanism to Enable File Transfer
Publication Date    : May 2009
Author(s)           : M. Garcia-Martin, M. Isomaki, G. Camarillo, S. Loreto, P. Kyzivat
Category            : PROPOSED STANDARD
Source              : Multiparty Multimedia Session Control
Area                : Real-time Applications and Infrastructure
Stream              : IETF
Verifying Party     : IESG