[MMUSIC] ICE TCP and TCP amplification attack (mitigation)
Ari Keranen <ari.keranen@nomadiclab.com> Thu, 19 May 2011 14:29 UTC
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Hi all, Flemming identified a possible TCP amplification attack in ICE TCP: On May 10, 2011, at 5:06 AM, Flemming Andreasen wrote: > - Section 12 > I believe there is a TCP amplification attack similar to the STUN amplification attack that requires consideration, since the TCP connection is established prior to any STUN/ICE checks and involves TCP state creation on the part of the attacked party. That is, an attacker could put in the SDP offer a set of passive reflexive candidates with the address of the victim and the answerer would make a bunch of TCP connections towards the victim. A possible mitigation, as Flemming suggested, would be to limit the number of outstanding TCP connection attempts to the same IP-address. That sounds reasonable to me, since having many (un-frozen) candidates from the same IP address seem unlikely anyway, but are there any other ideas? Cheers, Ari