Re: [MMUSIC] [ALU] Shepherd's review ofdraft-ietf-mmusic-data-channel-sdpneg-11

"Makaraju, Raju (Nokia - US)" <> Mon, 13 March 2017 01:52 UTC

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From: "Makaraju, Raju (Nokia - US)" <>
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Subject: Re: [MMUSIC] [ALU] Shepherd's review ofdraft-ietf-mmusic-data-channel-sdpneg-11
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Hi Bo Burman, Christian Groves, Paul Kyzivat,

Thank you so much for your time in making this document better, we appreciate it. Sorry for the extended delay.
I accepted all the comments.
Please see my comments inserted below.

Thanks again

From: mmusic [] On Behalf Of Bo Burman
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 10:11 AM
To: mmusic ( <>
Subject: [ALU] [MMUSIC] Shepherd's review ofdraft-ietf-mmusic-data-channel-sdpneg-11

Authors, WG,

I think this document is getting ready for publication request. As part of making the shepherd's write-up, I have the following comments, to be addressed in an updated document:


1)      In section 1: add that also BFCP (Binary Floor Control Protocol)  is used in the same way as MSRP in examples.
[Raju] Will add BFCP.

2)      In, dcmap-stream-id = 1*DIGIT allows infinite length of this identifier, which seems inappropriate. I suggest providing a maximum length, maybe matching this to the unsigned 16 bit integer in SCTP (RFC 4960), in which case 1*5DIGIT should be sufficient.
[Raju] Will change as suggested.

3)      In, quoted-visible ABNF syntax is incorrect, missing "x" after "%" when defining hex characters. Change to:
quoted-visible  = %x21 / %x23-24 / %x26-7E ; VCHAR without " or %
[Raju] Will change as suggested.

4)      In, text below the example makes reference to MSRP subprotocol, but the example does not explicitly include any MSRP. The single example line uses "accept-types", which is admittedly related to MSRP, but I think this should be clarified to avoid confusion for readers not familiar with MSRP.
[Raju] Will change "Example" to "Example (other MSRP related SDP attributes are omitted for brevity):"

5)      In 5.2.2: It is unclear why you differentiate handling of offers and answers that contain both "max-retr" and "max-time", mandating to reject the offer but allowing it in the answer. I think allowing this asymmetry should either be motivated, or handling should be aligned between offer and answer.
[Raju] I think it was thought giving a bit of flexibility to offerer while receiving answer is probably good but I see your point on aligning both. Will change text to align both.

6)      In section 6: several examples uses IP addresses that are not aligned with RFC 6890 (10.10.10.x), which must be changed.
Allowed ranges are (TEST-NET-1), (TEST-NET-2), or (TEST-NET-3).
[Raju] Will change as suggested.

7)      In Appendix A: same IP address issue as above, change from to an address in the allowed range.
[Raju] Will change as suggested.


1)      The date line in the document header is one character too long (beyond column 72)
[Raju] Good catch! Hmmm... not sure how it is getting messed up as the it is supposed to be an auto generated line. Anyway, I just checked the new updated draft at and output looks good.

2)      In section 1: s/In future data channels could/In the future, data channels could/
[Raju] Will change as suggested.

3)      In section 3: s/sending and receive data/sending and receiving data/
[Raju] Will change as suggested.

4)      At the very end of section s/in the same document, which registers/in the same document that registers/
[Raju] Will change as suggested.

5)      In 5.2.4: s/other data channels which are now not included/other data channels that are now not included/
[Raju] Will change as suggested.

6)      In 5.2.5: s/channels are expected be closed now/channels are expected to be closed now/
[Raju] Will change as suggested.

7)      In 8.3: s/dcsa usage level only shall use/dcsa usage level only SHALL use/
[Raju] Will change as suggested.

8)      In Appendix A.1: s/either pass to the data channel stack the stream identifier to assign/either pass the stream identifier to the data channel stack to assign/
[Raju] Will change as suggested.

9)      In Appendix A.1: Why are two paragraphs starting with "For data channels negotiated" indented compared to other text? Is it supposed to be some kind of note?
[Raju] Yes, meant to be a note. Need to change indentation? Or change to some other style?

Comments from others that are not addressed in -11:

1)      Christian Groves commented on Jan 20 that the example in Appendix A should contain an "a=dtls-id:..." attribute as per other examples in the draft.
[Raju] Will add a=dtls-id.

2)      Paul Kyzivat commented on Jan 21 that a bullet in section 5.2.3 should be changed to:
o For accepted data channels, the agent MUST create peer instances
   for the data channels using the SCTP stream identifiers and
   channel parameters contained in the SDP offer.
[Raju] Will change as suggested.


MMUSIC co-chair