[MMUSIC] ICE offer/answer/candidate exchange terminology
Ari Keränen <ari.keranen@ericsson.com> Fri, 25 September 2015 14:59 UTC
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Subject: [MMUSIC] ICE offer/answer/candidate exchange terminology
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Hi all, For quite some time now we have had discussions on how could we best get rid of the remaining RFC3264 offer/answer language in ICEbis. Together with Suhas and Pål-Erik we discussed this off-line and came to conclusion that we have two reasonable options for the "offer/answer part" of the terminology: "ICE offer & ICE answer" and "ICE candidate exchange". We three can live with either option, but have different preferences among them. That's why we'd like to hear from the rest of the group what is your preference. Here's what we think are the main arguments for selecting each. ICE candidate exchange: - clear difference from RFC3264 offer/answer; ICE has been heavily linked to SDP o/a so far so using any o/a terminology may cause confusion - many new ICE scenarios are not using offer/answer kind of signaling - this is more clear on the fact that there can be activity after the exchange part of the protocol, like with Trickle ICE ICE offer/answer: - smaller change editorially ("just add ICE") - only SIP/SDP folks would really confuse "ICE offer/answer" with RFC3264 offer/answer - existing ICE implementations use already this terminology - familiarity is less confusing - there are some specifics for the "initiating message", for example choosing the controlled party; we need to have some terminology to address that, and "offer" fits to that purpose - however, need to specify clearly that there are things happening after the offer/answer part Is some key argument missing? Is some argument invalid? Can you live with either option? What is your preferred option? Cheers, Ari (as individual ICEbis editor)
- [MMUSIC] ICE offer/answer/candidate exchange term… Ari Keränen
- Re: [MMUSIC] ICE offer/answer/candidate exchange … Peter Saint-Andre - &yet
- Re: [MMUSIC] ICE offer/answer/candidate exchange … Ari Keränen
- [MMUSIC] ICE offer/answer/candidate exchange term… Ari Keränen