[Mobopts] ID Update: Multicast Mobility in MIPv6

"Thomas C. Schmidt" <schmidt@informatik.haw-hamburg.de> Thu, 08 November 2007 08:11 UTC

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Dear all,

we just updated the problem statement ID:

  "Multicast Mobility in MIPv6: Problem Statement and Brief Survey"


    In this document we discuss current mobility extensions to IP layer
    multicast solutions. Problems arising from mobile group communication
    in general, in the case of multicast listener mobility and for mobile
    Any Source Multicast as well as Source Specific Multicast senders are
    documented. Characteristic aspects of multicast routing and
    deployment issues for fixed IPv6 networks are summarized. The
    principal approaches to the multicast mobility problems are outlined
    subsequently. In addition to providing a comprehensive exploration of
    the mobile multicast problem and solution space, this document
    attempts to outline a conceptual roadmap for initial steps in
    standardization for the use of future mobile multicast protocol

It's already on the ID directory:


This version includes new secions on document scope and future steps, 
extensions on L2 aspects, many editorial changes and accounts for the 
large number of feedbacks and reviews we have received at and after the 
Chicago meeting.

The document convergence process appears pretty matured ... we will be 
very happy to receive your comments and work towards finalization.

Best regards,



° Prof. Dr. Thomas C. Schmidt
° HAW Hamburg, Dept. Informatik
° University of Applied Sciences
° Berliner Tor 7, D 20099 Hamburg
° Germany, Fon: +49-40-42875-8157
° http://www.informatik.haw-hamburg.de/~schmidt

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