[Mobopts] ML e-mail changes
"Koodli, Rajeev" <rkoodli@starentnetworks.com> Wed, 24 September 2008 19:45 UTC
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Subject: [Mobopts] ML e-mail changes
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I have been informed that we will be moving the mobopts list into the irtf.org domain. This can have some side effects: 1. List email will now appear to come "from" mobopts@irtf.org , whereas before it was coming from mobopts-bounces@ietf.org. You may wish to adjust your personal email filters to accommodate this new source. 2. You will now be able to send email "to" mobopts@irtf.org , although the old address mobopts@ietf.org will still work as well, as a convenience. You may wish to adjust your personal address books to reflect this new address. 3. Mail administration for IRTF mailing lists will now be via mailman at the IRTF website: http://www.irtf.org/mailman/listinfo/mobopts You may wish to adjust your browser bookmarks/favorites to reflect this new address. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Regards, -Rajeev
_______________________________________________ Mobopts mailing list Mobopts@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/mobopts
- [Mobopts] ML e-mail changes Koodli, Rajeev