[Mobopts] [IRTF] #24: IRSG review of MobOpts RG document draft-irtf-mobopts-location-privacy-solutions-08.txt

"IRTF" <trac@tools.ietf.org> Fri, 02 May 2008 18:22 UTC

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Ticket #24: IRSG review of MobOpts RG document draft-irtf-mobopts-location-privacy-

 URL to the draft:


 Document shepherd name and contact information: Raj Patil,

 Type of RFC: Informational

 IRSG member performing editorial review: Michael Welzl

 Scheduled date for IRSG poll: May 30, 2008

 IRSG poll results: TBA

 Pointers to RG reviews: (URLs below and subsequent follow ups. NOTE: The
 RG conducted review on version 06. The current draft version is 08)



 Reporter:  rajeev.koodli@gmail.com  |       Owner:  Michael Welzl               
     Type:  doc review               |      Status:  new                         
 Priority:  routine                  |   Milestone:  1. Initiation of IRSG review
Component:  mobopts                  |     Version:  -08                         
 Severity:  In WG Last Call          |    Keywords:  MIPv6, Location Privacy     
Ticket URL: <http://www3.tools.ietf.org/group/irtf/trac/ticket/24>
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