[Mobopts] Call for paper: IEEE ICC 2008 Workshop on IP Mobility Management and Architecture
"Hui Deng" <denghui02@gmail.com> Mon, 19 November 2007 10:07 UTC
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Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 18:07:53 +0800
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Subject: [Mobopts] Call for paper: IEEE ICC 2008 Workshop on IP Mobility Management and Architecture
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We are sorry if you received multiple copies of this. IPMMA 2008 2008 Workshop on IP Mobility Management and Architecture May 19/23, 2008, Beijing, China (To be held with IEEE ICC 2008, May 19-23, 2008) Sponsored by China Mobile Webpage: http://www.ieee-icc.org/2008/ Webpage: http://www.mobilehub.com.cn/yjy/ieee/index.htm Important Dates: Submission Deadline: Dec. 20, 2007 Acceptance notification: Jan 31 2008 Camera ready: Feb 28 2008 Program Co-Chairs Bill Huang China Mobile Ziqiang Hou Institue of Acoustics, CAS Sajal Das The Univ. Texas at Arlington Program Committees: Thierry Ernst INRIA Wing C. Lau The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong Bing Wei China Mobile Min Liu Institute of Computing Technology, CAS Ying Qiu Institute for Infocomm Research Ryuji Wakikawa KEIO University Peng Yang Hitachi Yong Cui Tsinghua University Xiaobing Guo Lenovo Publicity Chair Hui Deng China Mobile With recently, various kinds of IP mobility management solutions have been widely adopted by many wireless communication standard bodies such as Wimax forum, 3GPP, 3GPP2 etc. Most adopted solutions are point to point connection which is similar to traditional circuit-switched architecture. Handover among heterogeneous networks with different wireless links is standardized by different incompatible mobility management technologies. Designing next generation IP mobility management and architecture on the scenarios, such as next generation wireless communication evolution, ad hoc subscriber grouping, and peer to peer Internet network architecture seems to be a timely request and will influence all kinds of operator's network architectures. Many technologies are under development. "IP mobility management and architecture" welcomes original submission which emphasizing the general aspects, soliciting authors to provide very high quality contributions. Topics of interest are (but not limited to): 1) IP mobility management for structured P2P network; 2) Heterogeneous network handover; 3) IP mobility management for mobile Ad hoc network; 4) Network based local mobility management; 5) Network mobility; 6) EAP based handover key management in wireless IP network; 7) Multiple interface and multi-homing in the mobility management environment. _______________________________________________ Mobopts mailing list Mobopts@irtf.org https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/mobopts