[Mobopts] Dublin Meeting
"Koodli, Rajeev" <rkoodli@starentnetworks.com> Sun, 03 August 2008 00:17 UTC
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All, Another very good meeting! I need the slides from all presenters in case you haven't sent them already. Ashutosh: please send your meeting notes to me; thanks. As a follow up, here are some things to be done. 1. Location Privacy Solutions - new version to be released for the RG to comment since there has been a significant revision 2. MPA framework document - authors to produce a new version based on the comments received (including the performance table, description of when the MPA procedure begins etc.). RG to look at the new document, and progress it towards IRSG review 3. Multicast Mobility - RG LC coming up 4. Multihoming and Route Optimization - call for adoption coming up Regards, -Rajeev "This email message and any attachments are confidential information of Starent Networks, Corp. The information transmitted may not be used to create or change any contractual obligations of Starent Networks, Corp. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this e-mail and its attachments by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately -- by replying to this message or by sending an email to postmaster@starentnetworks.com -- and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments without reading or disclosing their contents. Thank you."
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- [Mobopts] Dublin Meeting Koodli, Rajeev