[Mobopts] CFP - 2nd international OMNeT++ Workshop (fwd)
Matthias Waehlisch <mw@fhtw-berlin.de> Tue, 12 August 2008 23:17 UTC
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Subject: [Mobopts] CFP - 2nd international OMNeT++ Workshop (fwd)
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Hi all, fyi Cheers matthias [Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP] CALL FOR PAPERS 2nd international OMNeT++ Workshop <www.omnet-workshop.org> held in conjunction with SIMUTools 2009 <http://www.simutools.org> Rome, Italy, March 6, 2009 Sponsored by: ICST, CREATE-NET, ACM SIGSIM, ACM SIGMETRICS, SCS, INRIA Paper submission deadline: November 15, 2008 OMNeT++ is a public-source, component-based, modular and open-architecture simulation environment with strong GUI support and an embeddable simulation kernel. Its primary application area is the simulation of communication networks. Because of its generic and flexible architecture it has been successfully used in other areas like the simulation of IT systems, queuing networks, hardware architectures, and business processes. OMNeT++ is rapidly becoming a popular simulation platform in the scientific community as well as in industrial settings. Several open source simulation models have been published, in the field of Internet simulations (IP, IPv6, MPLS, etc), mobility and ad-hoc simulations and other areas. However, such a growing community also faces growing challenges and problems: Integration of different simulation tools, porting of simulation models between different platforms, testing and comparison of applications. Different initiatives were taken in the last years for unifying and integrating the already existing simulation models, which involves however also organization and coordination among the different user groups. An important task is making the existing tools and applications easily available. The goal of this workshop is to bring together OMNeT++ users and their tools, applications and ideas. It intends to provide a forum for presentations of recent developments and novel ideas in the broad context of network simulation with focus on OMNeT++. It will bring together researchers to focus on the important topics of integrating simulation models, coupling different simulation tools, providing better modeling approaches, and contributing to the active modeling and simulation community with respect to identifying some of the most promising candidate solution methods, architectures and techniques to address the various challenges of network simulation. The benefits are two-fold: On the one hand OMNeT++ users get into direct discussion and on the other hand they can meet with developers. Furthermore, the developers can pick up ideas for the future development. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Parallel simulation * Simulation control * Result interpretation and analysis * Debugging * Simulation in the loop * Modeling techniques * Coupling with other simulation/emulation tools * Integration of hardware-specific code * Cross-layer protocol design methodologies * Mobility models * Simulation of wireless networks and P2P networks * Industrial applications * Use of OMNeT++ in other domains Submission Instructions: Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 8 pages, or short papers of up to 4 pages, in ACM conference proceedings format. Detailed submission instructions will be published in due time on the website together with format files. The event is held in cooperation with ACM Special Interest Group on Simulation (SIGSIM), ACM Special Interest Group on Computer/Communication System Performance (SIGMETRICS) and Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS). All accepted papers will be made available in ACM Digital Library, as well as indexed by EI and ISI Index. Selected papers will be considered for an international journal publication. Important Dates: - Full paper: November 15, 2008 - Notification: December 28, 2008 - Final version: January 18, 2009 - Conference: March 6, 2009 Workshop co-chairs: - Andras Varga, Simulcraft Inc. - Christoph Sommer, Univ. Erlangen - Anna Förster, Univ. Lugano TPC chair: - Thorsten Braun, Univ. of Bern TPC vice-chairs: - Daniel Willkomm, TU Berlin - Matthias Wählisch, HAW Hamburg Publicity co-chair: - Andreas Lewandowski, TU Dortmund Program committee: - Ingmar Baumgart, TU Karlsruhe - Roland Bless, TU Karlsruhe - John Buford, Avaya Research Labs - Isabel Dietrich, Univ. Erlangen - Thomas Dreibholz, Univ. Duisburg - Falko Dressler, Univ. Erlangen - Stephen Farrell, Trinity College Dublin - Anirüddha Gokhalé, Vanderbilt Univ. - Holger Karl, Univ. Paderborn - Konstantinos Katsaros, Univ. Athen - Andreas Lagemann, TU Cottbus - Olaf Landsiedel, RWTH Aachen - Jun Lei, Univ. Göttingen - Gábor Lencse, Széchenyi István Univ. - Pietro Michiardi, Institut Eurecom - Jörg Ott, Univ. Helsinki - Tom Parker, Imperial College London - Dan Pescaru, Univ. of Timisoara - Alfonso A. Quintana, Univ. Málaga - Stefan Rührup, Univ. of Ottawa - Antonio Ruzzelli, UCD Dublin - Günter Schäfer, TU Ilmenau - Thomas Schmidt, HAW Hamburg - Ahmet Sekercioglu, Monash University - Doru Todinca, Univ. Timisoara - Michael Tüxen, FH Münster - Klaus Wehrle, RWTH Aachen - Christian Wietfeld, TU Dortmund - Lars Wischhof, Audi Electronics Venture - Georg Wittenburg, FU Berlin - Adam Wolisz, TU Berlin - Faqir Z. Yousaf, TU Dortmund - Eitan Zahavi, Mellanox Technologies Contact: Please send an e-mail to TPC vice-chairs or visit the workshop website at http://www.omnet-workshop.org for further information.
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- [Mobopts] CFP - 2nd international OMNeT++ Worksho… Matthias Waehlisch