[mpls] PW config checking in draft-reduction and draft-jc

Lizhong Jin<lizhong.jin@zte.com.cn> Sat, 05 January 2013 07:29 UTC

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Subject: [mpls] PW config checking in draft-reduction and draft-jc
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Hi Luca,
Thanks for the comment during IETF85 for 
"Luca: In the refresh reduction draft, it does configuration checking and 
it is expandable.  We need to reconcile what is in the refresh reduction 
and see if we can reuse it."
I review draft-ietf-pwe3-status-reduction-00, and yes, this draft contains 
the configuration checking, and the main difference between 
draft-reduction and draft-jc would be:
1. draft-redunction defines a new protocol (status redunction protocol) to 
do the configuration checking, and draft-jc reuse GAP[ietf-mpls-gach-adv] 
to do the checking.
2. the text in draft-redunction describes the checking whether the PW is 
configured or not, while draft-jc describes the checking whether the PW 
parameters of both ends matches.
The second point is easy to reconcile by extending the PW status reduction 
protocol. Then the key point is which protocol is more suitable for 
configuration checking, redunction protocol or GAP? Note that there is 
another MPLS draft to do LSP configuration check using GAP, 
draft-smiler-mpls-tp-static-lsp-config-check. So the mail is cc to MPLS WG 
I tend to prefer the GAP to do the PW configuration checking, since 
redunction protocol is a specially designed protocol to reduce PW status 
message. Hope to see more comments from the WG.
