Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" approach in draft-kini-mpls-ring-frr-facility-backup-00.txt
Sriganesh Kini <> Mon, 26 July 2010 18:01 UTC
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From: Sriganesh Kini <>
To: Alexander Vainshtein <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 14:01:28 -0400
Thread-Topic: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" approach in draft-kini-mpls-ring-frr-facility-backup-00.txt
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Subject: Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" approach in draft-kini-mpls-ring-frr-facility-backup-00.txt
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Sasha, As you noted the e-backup tunnel protects all LSPs that have a common {head-end, tail-end} pair. More precisely, the e-backup can be shared to protect all LSPs that have a common {ring-ingress-LSR, ring-egress-LSR} pair (that is path is disjoint with the e-backup). If I understood correctly your concern is about the number of number of e-backup tunnels? E-backup tunnels should be setup based on protected LSP's {ring-ingress, ring-egress} LSRs. Consider a typical case where in a ring, there is a 'ring-head-end' and LSPs are setup from other LSRs on the ring to the 'ring-head-end'. An e-backup should be setup from each LSR on the ring to the 'ring-head-end'. This is order(n). Even for cases where protected LSPs have many possible combinations for {ring-ingress, ring-egress}, for typical ring sizes, the number of tunnels required should not be a concern for today's implementations. Also, in many topologies an LSR that is purely a transit for protected LSPs, does not have to originate any e-backup. Thanks - Sri PS: Regular facility FRR requires more that two backup tunnels, depending on what is being protected. ________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Alexander Vainshtein Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 9:57 AM To: Sriganesh Kini Cc: Subject: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" approach in draft-kini-mpls-ring-frr-facility-backup-00.txt Sriganesh and all, If I understood you correctly, your proposal requires a dedicated backup tunnel for all LSPs with the given {head-end, tail-end} pair of LSRs in the ring. (Regular facility FRR requires just two backup tunnels). If this understanding is correct, this looks to like a serious scalability issue with your approach. Regards, Sasha
- [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" approac… Alexander Vainshtein
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Sriganesh Kini
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Alexander Vainshtein
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Sriganesh Kini
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Eric Osborne (eosborne)
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Sriganesh Kini
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Eric Osborne (eosborne)
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Sriganesh Kini
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Eric Osborne (eosborne)
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Sriganesh Kini
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Eric Osborne (eosborne)
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Sriganesh Kini
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Sriganesh Kini
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Greg Mirsky
- Re: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" app… Sriganesh Kini