[mpls] poll on accepting draft-manral-mpls-ldp-ipv6 as an mpls wg document

Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Wed, 13 October 2010 17:02 UTC

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Subject: [mpls] poll on accepting draft-manral-mpls-ldp-ipv6 as an mpls wg document
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Working Group,

the authors of draft-manral-mpls-ldp-ipv6-00 have asked that the
document is accepted as a working group document.

This starts a two week poll on making it a working group document.

Please send your comments (support or non-support) to the mpls
working group mailing list.

The poll ends November 29, 2010.


Loa Andersson                         email: loa.andersson@ericsson.com
Sr Strategy and Standards Manager            loa@pi.nu
Ericsson Inc                          phone: +46 10 717 52 13
                                              +46 767 72 92 13