[mpls] MPLS concept
Dibu Philip <dibujphilip@gmail.com> Sun, 26 September 2010 14:00 UTC
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Subject: [mpls] MPLS concept
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Hello everybody, Myself Dibu Philip, a final year student of Electronics engineering. I'm too much in love with networks and related stuff, but only in the very budding state regarding concepts. Can somebody please help me with a doubt I have? While forwarding packets with labels, routers still have to store the labels in the LIBs; the same thing happens with IP forwarding. So can somebody explain to me in very simple words the advantage of MPLS. I've being thinking over this for a long time. I would be really grateful if somebody could help me. Plus, is GMPLS in optical networks already implemented in large scale, or is it still under development? I'm sorry if such a post is not expected here. Thank you Regards, Dibu Philip
- Re: [mpls] MPLS concept srinivas pv
- [mpls] MPLS concept Dibu Philip
- Re: [mpls] MPLS concept Arijit Paul