[mpls] draft-saad-lsp-instant-install-rsvpte
Shahram Davari <davari@broadcom.com> Wed, 04 November 2015 01:38 UTC
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From: Shahram Davari <davari@broadcom.com>
To: Shahram Davari <davari@broadcom.com>, "mpls@ietf.org" <mpls@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: draft-saad-lsp-instant-install-rsvpte
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Sorry, Just changed the subject to correct Draft. Hi, Although the problem the draft is trying to solve is a legitimate problem, but the solution has a number of issues: 1) It requires ingress LER to impose a stack of labels that is potentially large. Existing HW can't currently support this and therefore this draft requires replacing all LER HW 2) The solution requires all intermediate LSRs to support this new RSVP-TE extension. 3) The QoS is not guaranteed. Since there is no correlation between ultimate LSP and the DLL Stack. Since potentially many LSPs may be required to go through the same path and they will all use the same DLL stack. 4) Switching multiple times to final LSP causes in flight packet drops and out of order delivery 5) In a large MPLS network, There is no guarantee that the RESV message comes back with low delay. Thx Shahram
- [mpls] draft-saad-lsp-instant-install-rsvpte Shahram Davari
- Re: [mpls] draft-saad-lsp-instant-install-rsvpte Tarek Saad (tsaad)