Re: [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-ietf-mpls-sr-over-ip-03: (with DISCUSS)
"Adrian Farrel" <> Tue, 12 March 2019 13:04 UTC
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From: Adrian Farrel <>
To: 'Mirja Kühlewind via Datatracker' <>, 'The IESG' <>
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Subject: Re: [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-ietf-mpls-sr-over-ip-03: (with DISCUSS)
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Thanks Mirja, > 1) Given section 3.1, the following drafts all seems that they should be > normative references: ietf-isis-encapsulation-cap, ietf-ospf-encapsulation-cap, > ietf-ospf-segment-routing-extensions, ietf-isis-segment-routing-extensions Well, that wasn't the intention. It is meant to be an example of how the forwarding entries are constructed. As it says at the top of Section 3... Note that the examples in Section 3.1 and Section 3.2 assume that OSPF or ISIS is enabled: in fact, other mechanisms of discovery and advertisement could be used including other routing protocols (such as BGP) or a central controller. We could be more explicit in section 3.1 so that, for example... OLD o The Segment Routing Global Block (SRGB) is defined in [RFC8402]. Router E is SR-MPLS capable, so it advertises an SRGB as described in [I-D.ietf-ospf-segment-routing-extensions] and [I-D.ietf-isis-segment-routing-extensions]. NEW o The Segment Routing Global Block (SRGB) is defined in [RFC8402]. Router E is SR-MPLS capable, so it advertises an SRGB to the other SR-MPLS capable routers. If an IGP is in use then Router E behaves as described in [I-D.ietf-ospf-segment-routing-extensions] and [I-D.ietf-isis-segment-routing-extensions], but other mechanisms Could be applied. END We'd need to make similar changes throughout the section. Would such changes be enough for you? > 2) Sec 3.2.3 on IP Header fields should refer to RFC6040 for the ECN > field and eventually RFC2983 for DSCP. That's good. Thanks. It gives us... <t hangText="IP Header Fields:">When encapsulating an MPLS packet in UDP, the resulting packet is further encapsulated in IP for transmission. IPv4 or IPv6 may be used according to the capabilities of the network. The address fields are set as described in <xref target="usecases"/>. The other IP header fields (such as the ECN field <xref target="RFC6040"/>, the DSCP code point <xref target="RFC2983"/>, or IPv6 Flow Label) on each UDP-encapsulated segment SHOULD be configurable according to the operator's policy: they may be copied from the header of the incoming packet; they may be promoted from the header of the payload packet; they may be set according to instructions programmed to be associated with the SID; or they may be configured dependent on the outgoing interface and payload.</t> Best, Adrian
- [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-ietf-mp… Mirja Kühlewind via Datatracker
- Re: [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-iet… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-iet… Mirja Kuehlewind
- Re: [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-iet… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-iet… Spencer Dawkins at IETF
- Re: [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-iet… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-iet… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-iet… BRUNGARD, DEBORAH A
- Re: [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-iet… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-iet… Mirja Kuehlewind
- Re: [mpls] Mirja Kühlewind's Discuss on draft-iet… Adrian Farrel