[mpls] Re: Poll: IOAM and PSD

Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Tue, 27 August 2024 09:31 UTC

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We are not asking you to adopt the documents (draft-jags-mplsps-mna-hdr and
draft-gandhi-mpls-mna-ioam-dex) just because of the great interest in 
the poll,
we are asking you to start the WGAP process, based on the great interest 
by the poll.



As a matter of fact the chair can adopt a document without a poll, that has
happened a couple of times in the life time of the wg. I neither request 
that or
recommend it in this case.

Den 27/08/2024 kl. 14:57, skrev Tony Li:
> Loa,
> Calling consensus without actually polling the group could very easily be incorrect.
> Tony
>> On Aug 26, 2024, at 11:50 PM, Loa Andersson - loa at pi.nu <mailforwards@cloudmails.net> wrote:
>> Tony,
>> It would be hard to imagine consensus without interest, however with the strong interest documented in the poll it would be easy to call consensus.
>> /Loa
>> Den 26/08/2024 kl. 22:26, skrev Tony Li:
>>> Loa,
>>> Interest is not consensus.
>>> Tony
>>>> On Aug 25, 2024, at 4:59 AM, Loa Andersson - loa at pi.nu <mailforwards@cloudmails.net> wrote:
>>>> Tony,
>>>> It seem to me that the decision you are looking for are moot, the poll you started indicate a strong interest in implementing "the IOAM passport method with the Pre-allocated option defined in RFC 9197" and the "post card method with direct-export option" as described in RFC 9326. This can hardly be done without PSD.
>>>> /Loa
>>>> Den 19/08/2024 kl. 23:09, skrev Tony Li:
>>>>> I am trying to make progress in a step-wise fashion.
>>>>> Before doing a WGAP on that document, it would make sense for the WG to decide whether or not it needs a PSD solution.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Loa Andersson
>>>> Senior MPLS Expert
>>>> Bronze Dragon Consulting
>>>> loa@pi.nu
>>>> loa.pi.nu.@gmail.com
>> -- 
>> Loa Andersson
>> Senior MPLS Expert
>> Bronze Dragon Consulting
>> loa@pi.nu
>> loa.pi.nu.@gmail.com

Loa Andersson
Senior MPLS Expert
Bronze Dragon Consulting