[mpls] Your comment to the draft-boutros-mpls-lsp-ping-ttl-tlv presentation yesterday in the MPLS WG.
Sami Boutros <sboutros@cisco.com> Tue, 27 July 2010 07:39 UTC
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Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 00:39:11 -0700
To: BUSI ITALO <Italo.Busi@alcatel-lucent.com>
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Subject: [mpls] Your comment to the draft-boutros-mpls-lsp-ping-ttl-tlv presentation yesterday in the MPLS WG.
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Hi Italo, The draft is about a new LSP Ping TLV that can be used to allow the verification of a segment of a MS-PW or a bidir co-routed LSP. The mechanisms will be used for LSP Ping on demand CV only, i.e. this is not going to be used by all OAM functions. Given that, if the # of hops in a given segment change due to FRR, then there will either be no reply for the LSP Ping echo request, or a reply will come from the wrong node, in either case the user issuing the on demand CV can simply re-send the request with the TTL TLV specifying the new # of hops. Thanks, Sami
- [mpls] Your comment to the draft-boutros-mpls-lsp… Sami Boutros
- [mpls] R: Your comment to the draft-boutros-mpls-… BUSI, ITALO (ITALO)