Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf-mpls-extended-admin-group
"Andrew G. Malis" <> Tue, 04 February 2014 19:39 UTC
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From: "Andrew G. Malis" <>
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 14:39:23 -0500
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To: Loa Andersson <>
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Subject: Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf-mpls-extended-admin-group
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I was asked by the WG chairs for a WG LC review of this draft. In general, the draft is ready for publication, but I do have a few comments. [Editorial] Section 1: There are several unbracketed RFC references that are in the actual list of references, and thus should be in brackets in the text. [Technical] Section 2.2: The numbering of the EAG's first word of bits is discussed, but the numbering of the bits in subsequent words is not described. It can be implied that the bit numbering will continue at 32 with the LSB of the second word of the EAG, but that is not actually stated. [Technical] Section 2.3.1: It is easy to predict that routers or software loads that implement the EAG will be deployed in the same network as those that only implement the AG. It can be expected that routers that do not implement the EAG will simply ignore that particular sub-TLG. Thus, those routers, upon receipt of both the AG and EAG sub-TLVs, will ignore the EAG and use the AG. Thus, for improved backwards compatibility, if the AG and EAG co-exist and the AG is inconsistent with the first word of the EAG, it would seem that the AG should take precedence. This is the opposite of what is stated in the draft. Of course, once all of the routers in a network support the EAG, the AG will be unnecessary and only the EAG will be used. [Technical] Section 2.3.2: I'm personally hard-pressed to find usefulness in the flexibility in this section. For maximum interoperability and simplicity of implementations, I would prefer that the third paragraph be modified to say: To encourage maximum interoperability an implementation MUST treat desired but unadvertised EAG bits as if they are set to 0. Consider the case where a node wants to only use links where the 127th bit of an EAG is set to 1. If a link is only advertising 64 EAG bits, clearly the 127th EAG bit is not defined - that is, it is neither explicitly 0 nor 1. The node which wants the 127th EAG bit to be 1 MUST NOT use this link, as the assumption is than an unadvertised bit is set to 0. and also completely remove the following paragraph. [Technical] Section 3 contains a lot of unattributed hand-waving. I would prefer that is simply say: Signaling EAG in RVSP is not addressed in this document. Addressing this in the future is not precluded. [Technical] Section 4: While the existing text is strictly true, having available a virtually unlimited set of AGs does make it more important for network administrations that want their traffic engineering to operate correctly to be careful with their AG allocation and usage, to avoid unintended side-effects of unconstrained AG usage or router misconfiguration. What may have been a relatively easy task with 32 AGs may be more difficult with 128, or 1000, or 1,000,000 attributes. Previously manual processes may need to be automated to ensure correctness. Feel free to add text to this effect to this section, or not, as you prefer. Thanks, Andy On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 12:54 AM, Loa Andersson <> wrote: > Working Group, > > This is to initiate a working group last call on > draft-ietf-mpls-extended-admin-group-02. > > There are no IPR disclosures against this document. The author has > stated that he is unaware of any IPRs that relate to this document. > > Please send your comments to the mpls wg mailing list ( > > This working group last call ends Feb 18, 2014. > > /Loa > for the MPLS wg chairs > -- > > > Loa Andersson email: > Senior MPLS Expert > Huawei Technologies (consultant) phone: +46 739 81 21 64 > _______________________________________________ > mpls mailing list > >
- [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf-mpl… Loa Andersson
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Carlos Pignataro (cpignata)
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Carlos Pignataro (cpignata)
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Tarek Saad (tsaad)
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Tarek Saad (tsaad)
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Eric Osborne
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Eric Osborne
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Sam Aldrin
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Tarek Saad (tsaad)
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Tarek Saad (tsaad)
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Andrew G. Malis
- [mpls] Closed wglc - Re: working group last call … Loa Andersson
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Eric Osborne
- Re: [mpls] working group last call for draft-ietf… Tarek Saad (tsaad)