[mpls] working adoption poll on g draft-chandra-mpls-ri-rsvp-frr

Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Tue, 19 July 2016 09:31 UTC

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Working Group,

This is to start a two week poll on adopting draft-chandra-mpls-ri-
rsvp-frr as a MPLS working group document.

Please send your comments (support/not support) to the mpls working
group mailing list (mpls@ietf.org) Please give a technical
motivation for your support/not support, especially if you think that
the document should not be adopted as a working group document.

There is one IPR disclosure against either document..

All the authors have stated on the MPLS wg mailing list that they are
unaware of any other IPRs that those that has been disclosed

The MPLS-RT review had some comments about the relationship between
this document and draft-mtaillon-mpls-summary-frr-rsvpte. The authors
of draft-mtaillon-mpls-summary-frr-rsvpte has told the wg chairs that
their draft is almost ready for working group adoption. It seems, given
that one or both documents are accepted as wg denouements, that these
issues are more efficiently resolved during working document process.

The working group adoption poll ends August 2, 2016.

mpls wg co-chair

Loa Andersson                        email: loa@mail01.huawei.com
Senior MPLS Expert                          loa@pi.nu
Huawei Technologies (consultant)     phone: +46 739 81 21 64