[mpls] Should we split draft-bryant-mpls-synonymous-flow-labels into arch and application
Stewart Bryant <stbryant@cisco.com> Mon, 17 August 2015 15:50 UTC
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Subject: [mpls] Should we split draft-bryant-mpls-synonymous-flow-labels into arch and application
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At the last IETF the question arose as to what the correct document structure should be for the synonymous label work. The core draft is: draft-bryant-mpls-synonymous-flow-labels which is a mixture pure SFL work and RFC6374 applications work. My inclination is to split the draft in two to separate the SFL architecture from the RFC6374 application. However I would like to take the sense of the WG on this. I know that there needs to be more work on requirements and will do a word by word review of that text and make proposals and of course review comments on any of these texts are always welcome. - Stewart
- [mpls] Should we split draft-bryant-mpls-synonymo… Stewart Bryant
- Re: [mpls] Should we split draft-bryant-mpls-syno… Loa Andersson
- Re: [mpls] Should we split draft-bryant-mpls-syno… Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [mpls] Should we split draft-bryant-mpls-syno… Loa Andersson
- Re: [mpls] Should we split draft-bryant-mpls-syno… Stewart Bryant
- Re: [mpls] Should we split draft-bryant-mpls-syno… Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [mpls] Should we split draft-bryant-mpls-syno… Gregory Mirsky
- Re: [mpls] Should we split draft-bryant-mpls-syno… Loa Andersson
- [mpls] 答复: Should we split draft-bryant-mpls-syno… Lizhenbin
- Re: [mpls] 答复: Should we split draft-bryant-mpls-… Loa Andersson