[mpls] Closed - working group last call on draft-ietf-mpls-inter-domain-p2mp-rsvp-te-lsp

Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Mon, 06 May 2013 11:03 UTC

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Working Group,

This working group last call is closed! We have had no comments, but
because of the good discussions we had on this draft earlier we
interpret this as support for progressing the draft.

for the wg-chairs

On 2013-04-13 14:43, Loa Andersson wrote:
> Working Group,
> this is to start a two week Working Group last call on
> draft-ietf-mpls-inter-domain-p2mp-rsvp-te-lsp-01.txt.
> Please send your comments to the mpls working group
> mailing list (mpls@ietf.org)
> Please send both technical comments, and if you are happy
> with the document as is also indications of support.
> There are no IPR claims against this draft.
> The co-authors have earlier stated that they are not aware
> of any IPRs applicable to this draft.
> If anyone else in the working group are aware of IPRs claims against
> this draft, the time to disclose that is now.
> This working group last call will end on April 29, 2013.
> /Loa
> for the wg co-chairs


Loa Andersson                        email: loa@mail01.huawei.com
Senior MPLS Expert                          loa@pi.nu
Huawei Technologies (consultant)     phone: +46 739 81 21 64