[mpls] FW: working group last call draft-ietf-mpls-tp-psc-itu-01

"Zhangxian (Xian)" <zhang.xian@huawei.com> Wed, 29 January 2014 09:36 UTC

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From: "Zhangxian (Xian)" <zhang.xian@huawei.com>
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I've reviewed the document and only found minor grammatical issues. Thus, I believe that the document is ready for publication.

Due to Chinese New Year break, please expect my grammatical suggestions/comments come after the WG LC (after I transcript my notes from the hard-copy version to an electronic one).


-------- Original Message --------
From: Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu>
To: mpls@ietf.org <mpls@ietf.org>
CC: mpls-chairs@tools.ietf.org <mpls-chairs@tools.ietf.org>, 
<mpls-ads@tools.ietf.org> <mpls-ads@tools.ietf.org>, 
<draft-ietf-mpls-tp-psc-itu@tools.ietf.org>, VIGOUREUX, MARTIN (MARTIN) 

Working Group,

This is to start a two week working group last call on

Please find the document at:

The document editors has also supplied a "diff-list" between
version -00 and -01 at:

ITU-T SG15 has advised us that this document is a necessary reference
for documents that is planned to go into the ITU-T approval process
from the SG15 meeting end of March / beginning of April. Editors,
authors and chairs has put in quite an effort to make this document
ready. The schedule is very tight.

We are now doing several review steps in parallel

- the normal working group last call, please send your comments to the
   mpls working group mailing list (mpls@ietf.org)
- the working group chairs reviewed this document as part of the
   mpls-rt review, normally we do a wg chair review before starting the
   wglc, this review will now take place in parallel
- after the wglc and publication request there is an AD evaluation,
   this will now also take place in parallel with the wglc

The editors and authors are advised to try to resolve as many of the
comments as possible (on the mailing list) as they come in, but not to
post the new version of the draft until the wglc is closed and the
comments are resolved.

This working group last call ends February 3rd.

for the MPLS WG co-chairs

Loa Andersson                        email: loa@mail01.huawei.com
Senior MPLS Expert                          loa@pi.nu
Huawei Technologies (consultant)     phone: +46 739 81 21 64