[mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" approach in draft-kini-mpls-ring-frr-facility-backup-00.txt

Alexander Vainshtein <Alexander.Vainshtein@ecitele.com> Mon, 26 July 2010 16:56 UTC

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From: Alexander Vainshtein <Alexander.Vainshtein@ecitele.com>
To: "sriganesh.kini@ericsson.com" <sriganesh.kini@ericsson.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 19:57:21 +0300
Thread-Topic: Scalability of the "effective FRR" approach in draft-kini-mpls-ring-frr-facility-backup-00.txt
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Subject: [mpls] Scalability of the "effective FRR" approach in draft-kini-mpls-ring-frr-facility-backup-00.txt
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Sriganesh and all,
If I understood you correctly, your proposal requires a dedicated backup tunnel for all LSPs with the given {head-end, tail-end} pair of LSRs in the ring. (Regular facility FRR requires just two backup tunnels).
If this understanding is correct, this looks to like a serious scalability issue with your approach.
